200+ Easy Adjectives for Kids of KG & Preschool to Teach

With this session, we will be helping you to make your children learn new adjectives that are commonly used by schools.

Learning and teaching English is always a fun activity. But you might be wondering about how the benefits of using the English language. How it would be helpful in communicating and negotiating. In all our previous blogs, we have discussed the importance of English but just for adults. What about the kids? How important it is for kids to learn about various parameters of English? When should they start knowing about the English language and its importance.

In this advanced world, children start learning about tenses, adjectives, adverbs and verified vocabulary at a very young age. It is the demand of the time. It is a known fact that students can easily learn almost anything very quickly. They are quick at grasping new things and if we make the learning process more fun, it is quite easy to make them understand. Moreover, when it comes to getting hands-on experience at some new skills students to find it entertaining.

In today’s session, we will be discussing how to make kids learn about adjectives in a more fun way. Furthermore, we will be discussing the benefits of adjectives in a sentence. By this way, you can also help your kids to develop a strong vocabulary.

Learning about adjectives will help to focus on the skill sets such as building a complex adjective, strengthen descriptive skills, honing grammar usage skills, developing creativity, boosting analytical and critical thinking.

List of Adjectives for Kindergarten Kids

Let’s see what some of the adjectives are that will be helpful for the kids.

WordSentence Example
BigHe is a big boy
SmallI have a small basket
ShortHe is short in height
TallHe is tall
FatI am not fat
ThinI am not thin
LoudHe speaks loud
QuietHe is quiet
OneIt is one apple
TwoI ate two bananas
ThreeI have three pens
FourHe is in grade four
SixI have six balls
EightI have eight oranges
NineWe are nine in numbers
TenWe are ten in classroom
SoftHe is soft
HardThis is hard chair
AngryI don’t get angry
BusyI am busy


BraveMy friend is brave
DirtyI feel dirty
DryLet me dry myself
EmptyThis is empty bottle
EqualI have equal share
EasyTake it easy
FunnyIt is not funny
FatI am quite fat
FussyHe is too fussy
HugeI have a huge house
JuicyThe lemon is juicy
KindHe is very kind to me
LazyHe is lazy
LongI have a long rope
LeftI left my bag in school
LargeThis is large window
MessyHe is messy
NaughtyHe is naughty
NewThis is my new car
NiceIt is very nice
PrettyI am pretty cool
ProudI feel proud
QuickI am quick in eating
ReadyHe is ready to go


RipeThe orange is ripe
RightLet him turn right for the school
ShortIt is very short distance
SimpleIt is very simple
SlowBe slow
StickyIt is sticky
StinkyThe bathroom is stinky
StrongStrong wind today
SwollenSwollen face
ThinI have a thin book
TinyThe sparrow is too tiny
TrickyHe has a tricky mind
UglyVery ugly
WeakHe is too weak
WiseI am wise
WrongI am not wrong
EntertainingHe is very entertaining
FantasticThis is fantastic
FoolishDon’t be foolish
GentleI amgentle with my friends
GorgeousMy friend is gorgeous
RoughI am not rough
SmoothThis is smooth
DangerousHe is dangerous
DeepThe pool is deep
SpoiledI spoiled the drawing


DelicateThis is delicate fish
DeliciousThis is delicious apple
CreamyShe is creamy
SugaryShe is sugary
ChocolatyShe is chocolaty
SlipperyThis floor is slippery
StraightHe went straight to the jungle
SaltyThe meal is salty
ShockingIt is shocking
PleasantVery pleasant weather
JollyMy friend is very jolly
JumpyHe likes jumpy seats
SuperHe is super man
SmartHe is smart
BeautifulShe is beautiful
JumpI jump across
EnjoyI enjoy playing cricket
RunI run fast
PlayI play football
FastI ride fast
HitHe hit me
ShoutMy friend shout
SlappedI slapped him


YoungHe is young
crispit is crispy
lightthere is light in my room
sourthis is sour in taste
ironmother iron my clothes
cleanthe table is clean
sillyhe is silly
redmy dress is red
sharpI have a sharp pencil
whiteI wear white shorts
greenI love green
yellowyellow is my favorite
orangeI like orange color
blackI have a black shoe
hideI hide my bag
hotit is very hot today
highthe plane is flying high

It will help the students to be creative in the descriptions of the things they are dealing with on a daily basis. With the table, you will be able to help the students when they get stuck in-between while framing sentences with the use of proper adjectives. Through this table, they will easily look up for new words. You can also help them to play independently with the words in various different ways such as using English puzzles, brain teasers that will focus on adjectives.


With kids, you will always have to find a way that will make them enthusiastic to learn about new words. They will help them to boost attention, develop analytical and critical thinking skills. The list of 50 adjectives we have described above are used commonly in English and it is a good way to start developing skills for students. With EnglishBix.com you will be able to teach your kids about the various concepts of English language in a fun way.

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  1. Words to Describe Kids

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