Chemistry Abbreviations and Acronyms List

You may think of chemistry only in the case of laboratory tests, food additives or hazardous substances, but the chemical field involves everything around us.

Everything you hear, see, smell, taste, and touch involves a complex chain of chemical reactions and interactions in your body.

In everyday life, you do the chemistry when you cook, when you use a detergent to clean your counter, when you take a medicine or when you dilute a concentrated juice so that the taste is not too intense.

List of Chemistry Abbreviations

Now, let us know the alphabetical collection of chemistry abbreviations and acronyms:

AAAcetic Acid
AAAmino Acid
AACCAmerican Association for Clinical Chemistry
AADCAmino Acid DeCarboxylase
AADCAromatic L-Amino acid DeCarboxylase
BABenzyl Alcohol
BCBoron Carbide
BCAABranched Chain Amino Acid
BCCBody Centered Cubic
CRAPCrude Reagent And Products
CRCChemical Rubber Company
CRTCathode Ray Tube
CSACChemical Safety Analysis and Control
EBTEriochrome Black T indicator
ECElectron Capture
ECEthyl Carbonate
ECDElectron Capture Detector
ECHCoA Hydratase
FPFreezing Point
FPDFreezing Point Depression
FPLCFast Performance Liquid Chromatography
FRAPFluorine-Resistant Acid Phosphatase
FRSFellow of the Royal Society
GADGlutamate Decarboxylase
GBBGas Blow Back
GCGeiger Counter
GCCGlobal Carbon Cycle
GCCGlobal Climate Change
GDPGuanosine DiPhosphate
GEGenetic Engineering
HMWHigh Molecular Weight
HOHydroxyl radical
HOAcAcetic Acid
NAANaphtalic Acetic Acid
NACNaphthenic Acid Corrosion
PMOPolyMethylene Oxide
PNPAPolyNucleotide Phosphorylase A
PNBPPolyNucleotide Phosphorylase B
TCSToxic Chemical System
TCVTemperature Control Valve
TCVFTwo Chamber Vacuum Furnace
TDTemperature Displacement
WSWash Solution
WSWater Soluble
WSPIWater-Soluble Phosphorous, Inorganic
WSPOWater-Soluble Phosphorous, Organic
WSSWater Soluble Stabilizer
WSTWeighted Settling Time
ZGZero Gravity
ZINCZinc Is Not Copper
ZKZero Kelvin
ZOZinc Oxide
ZPZero Pressure
ZREZinc Responsive Element