50+ Adjective Words to Describe a Haunted House

Watching horror movies is really exciting. Just imagine, you are sitting with your family and friend, watching horror movies and having popcorns. Sound perfect. But when you actually come across any such thing, in reality, you become speechless. It will drain out all the energy and frighten you like hell.

When you try to explain that you came across some frightening thing or house or car, you fall short of the right words.

Adjective Words to Describe Haunted House

Following is a collection of adjectives that you can use for describing a haunted house:

terribleThe windows were all boarded up as if what was inside was too terrible to see.
horribleThe house looked as if someone had tried to stop something horrible from getting out.
sinisterEven in the daytime the house looked sinister.
darkThe house was built of dark stone that had been stained darker in places by the rain.
brokenThe windows were broken and boarded up.
miserableRain dripping down from the gutters made the place seem miserable.
gloomyThe house looked grey and gloomy.
lifelessThe house looked abandoned and lifeless.
hauntedPeople said the house was haunted by the man who died there.
hiddenA tall hedge kept the house hidden from view.
neglectedA tall hedge and overgrown shrubs gave the garden a neglected appearance.
poisonousThe house was poisonous and killed the leaves of the trees which touched its brick walls.
Spookysinister or ghostly in a way that causes fear and unease.
ChillingVery scary. There was a chilling noise coming from the basement.
DreadfulExtremely bad – I had a dreadful time at the park.
FearfulScary – A fearful ghost appeared through the wall.
FrighteningTim drew a frightening picture of a monster.
GhastlyExtremely bad – There had been a ghastly murder.
GoryBloody or otherwise resembling gore – It was a gory crime scene, enough

to make you vomit.

GrimVery unpleasant – I had a grim feeling that we were being watched.
GruesomeHorrible or disgusting – Her gruesome hair had not been washed for

many  weeks

Hair-RaisingExtremely scary enough to make your hair stand up
HorribleExtremely nasty – What a horrible story
MoonlitIlluminated by the moon – It was a moonlit graveyard, where they first


MysteriousUnknown – She had a mysterious backpack
NightmarishExtremely horrible, of nightmares
Other-worldlyNot of this world, unrecognizable – The otherworldly sounds continued

Outside the window.

PetrifyingScary enough to stop you from moving – The cat has a petrifying look in

Its eyes.

RepulsiveDisgusting enough to make you turn away
ScaryFrightening – There are a scary number of words for frightening things.
ScreamVery loud, high-pitched shout – She screamed at the sight of the spider.
ShockingExtremely alarming and surprising, in a bad way – They got a shocking

result in their exams.

SupernaturalBeyond natural, unexplainable forces – She had a supernatural knack of

guessing when anyone was lying

We give you a list of 50 more descriptive words to help you effectively write about a spooky house:

haunted househauntinglevitationoccult

Sample Description:

“Step into a haunted house steeped in chilling tales and spine-tingling mysteries. As creaky floors and eerie whispers accompany your journey, encounter ghostly apparitions and shadowy corners. With every step, a blend of haunting ambiance and hair-raising surprises creates an immersive experience, leaving an unforgettable, spine-chilling thrill for the bravest souls.”


Now you have a good collection of adjectives that can be used for describing a haunted house ( any haunted that you may come across). The words are available with meaning. You can choose the right words while describing your situation. 

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  1. Descriptive Adjectives for House
  2. Spooky and Scary Halloween Adjectives List