Dentist Vocabulary Words in English

Dentist is one who is skilled in and licensed to practice the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases, injuries, and malformations of the teeth, jaws, and mouth and who makes and inserts false teeth.

Dentist English Vocabulary Words for Kids

Edentulouslacking teeth
XerostomiaUnusual dry mouth that causes reduced saliva flow, dry mouth can lead to cavities.
PremolarA tooth with two cusps or points
TartarIncrustation that occurs in the teeth and gums
Periodontal DiseaseA disease that affects the gums and bone and around the teeth
Decayphenomenon of rotting
MaxillaA jaw of vertebrates that is attached to cranium
PeriodontistA dentist who specializes in gum disease and other structures around the teeth
OrthodontiaThe dental branch is responsible for preventing or correcting dental malformations
BicuspidHaving two cusps or points (especially a molar tooth)
SealantThe type of closure used to build a solid coating in a hollow area
MalocclusionA condition in which opposing teeth do not mesh properly. It can lead to gum disease.
Posteriorlocated at or near the end of a structure
OverbiteCondition in which the upper teeth are irregularly stretched over the lower teeth
ProphylaxisDisease prevention
BuildupThe act of collection
GumJaw tissue that surrounds the bases of the teeth


Gag ReflexA normal reflex that involves retching
Dental AnatomyA branch of gross anatomy related to dental morphology
Dental AmalgamA mixture of mercury containing another metal (usually silver) used by dentists to fill cavities; with the exception of iron and platinum all mercury-soluble metals and chemists call the resulting mercury compounds as amalgam.
Carious(Dental) affected by cavities or decay
LabialOf or relating to the lips
IncisorTooth for cutting or grinding
EnamelAny smooth glossy cover such as ceramic glaze
Bruxisminvoluntarily or unconsciously clenching or grinding the teeth, typically during sleep
Abscessed ToothAn abscess is a common type in the tissue around the tooth
PulpThe soft inner part of a tooth
Impacted Toothinfected tooth
Gingivitisbacterial infection which results in inflammation of the gums
Temporomandibular JointThe joint between the head of the lower jaw and the temporal bone
CrownPart of the tooth above the gums covered with enamel
PalateThe surface of the mouth separates the mouth cavities and the nose
Salivary GlandAny three pairs of glands in the mouth and digestive system that secrete saliva for digestion

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