Adjective Words to Describe Volcano

A volcano is a opening in the planet or in the crescent of an earth where volcanic eruptions, gases, and other substances are released. Volcanoes often form a hill or mountain like layers of rock and ashes due to repeated eruptions.

Volcanoes are classified as active, silent, or extinct. Volcanoes have a recent history of eruptions; they may explode again. The silent volcanoes did not erupt for long but may erupt in the future. The extinct volcanoes are not expected to erupt in the future.

Volcanoes are found both on land and under the sea.

Adjective Words to Describe Volcano

Following are common adjectives describing various types of volcano:

Word Meaning
active being in physical motion
ancient belonging to times long past especially of the historical period
burning producing or having a painfully hot sensation
dead devoid of activity
erupting release suddenly and often violently
extinct volcanos; permanently inactive
extinguished of a conditioned response
famous widely known and esteemed
fiery like or suggestive of fire
great  relatively large in size or number or extent
highest highest and most significant
huge unusually great in size
inactive volcanos; temporarily inactive or tamporarily active
large above average in size
largest  greatest in size
live charged with an explosive
miniature being on a very small scale
nearby not far away in relative terms
new not of long duration
old of long duration
pent closely confined
raging characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement; very intense
red characterized by violence
small limited in size
smoking emitting smoke in great volume
smoldering burning slowly without flame
submarine beneath the surface of the sea
vast  unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope

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  1. Natural Disasters Names Vocabulary
  2. Words to Describe Fire and Heat