Funny Nouns List for Mad Libs

Let us understand about funny nouns followed with examples:

What are Funny Nouns?

Funny describes something that causes fun, especially laughter. Humor can refer to someone who is trying to make fun of others. It can also describe a person or thing that is suspicious or unusual. Funny has a few other senses like adjective and noun.

Comedy means something funny and causes people to laugh. Something that makes people laugh without causing laughter is often said to be more fun than humor. For example, a roller coaster would be called fun, while a knock knock joke can be called funny. If something is not funny, it is unfunny.

Real-life examples: Many people consider clowns, jokes, comedies, pranks, and Internet memes to be funny. These things cause most people to laugh.

Used in a sentence: The comedian knew a lot of funny jokes. 

Funny as well describes someone who tries to make others laugh or who tries to make fun of them. This sense of humor is like a synonym of silly.

Used in a sentence: Jackie took the comment as an insult even though Luke was just trying to be funny. 

Funny as well describes a person or thing that is suspicious or hidden. We can use this concept when we think that dishonesty is taking place. The term humorous business is used in this sense to refer to criminal activity or misconduct.

Real-life examples: Rigged carnival games, overly friendly salespeople, and deals that seem too good to be true often cause people to think something funny is going on.

Used in a sentence: We think something funny is going on at that store on the corner that is never open.

Funny can also describe something that is strange, odd, or curious.

Real-life examples: If your leg falls asleep, you will probably walk funny. Two tomatoes that grow together to make one tomato might have a funny shape.

How is funny used in real life?

Funny is a very common word with a variety of different meanings. It is often used to mean something or someone to make fun of people.

Examples of Funny Nouns

Here is a new “World’s Funniest” list of seriously funny nouns:

Tentacle Doohickey
Bagpipes Dangling Modifier
Whammy Male Pattern Baldness
Vandyke Beard Ultraviolet Radiation
Stink Bomb Night Watchman
Black Magic Yorkshire Pudding
Loose Cannon Borderline Psychopath
Teddy Bear Object Of A Preposition
Meat wagon International Atomic Energy Agency
Swampland Path Of Least Resistance
Skin And Bones Gangplank
Godmother Cloven Hoof
Evil Eye Hindquarters
Chicanery Grandfather Clock
Tail Feather Sense Of Direction
Gizmo Garbage Dump
Pandemonium Wizardry
Great Power Hood Ornament
Creepy-Crawly Boa Constrictor
Boogeyman Search Warrant
Mission from God Chocolate Eclair
Elixir Of Life Bread And Butter
Billy Goat Professional Wrestling
Whacko Supernatural Being
Tabby Cat Covert Operation
Goblet Choo-Choo
Gooseberry Bush Voodoo
Enchantment Liquid Nitrogen
Dance of Death Tumbleweed
Law Of The Land Gargoyle
Road-Kill Sasquatch
Controlled Substance Packaged Goods
Rainbow Trout Underworld
Tribute Nuclear Explosion
Houses Of Parliament Fish And Chips
Peer Of The Realm Architectural Style
Holy Terror Scientific Instrument
Private Security Force Lawn Furniture
Wastepaper Basket Turn Of The Tables
Eternal Damnation Sad Sack
Unnoticed Mango Shooting Gallery
Rocket Launcher Theatrical Production
Personal Doodad Lemon Tree
Barnacle Raw Vegetable
Thunderbird Peripheral Vision
Snake Pit Horseradish
Superstructure Megabucks
Smoked Salmon Internal Combustion
Murderess War Zone
Werewolf Brass Knuckles