Kids love learning about new things but in their own way. If you force them for something then they would not take a keen interest in it. Similarly, while teaching your kids alphabets, numbers, spellings and pronunciations, it is very important that children are taking interest in it.

This is necessary because only then kids would be able to understand the process of learning. But do not panic we have various different ESL teaching methods which would make your task easy and the learning procedure more fun.
1. The Direct Method
In this particular method, the teaching is done entirely in the target language. Kids or generally the learners are not allowed to make use of their mother tongue. Specifically, in the initial stage, the grammar rules are avoided and focus is on proper pronunciations.
2. Grammar Translation Method
As you can guess from the sub-heading that the target language would be translated in the vernacular and then make the kids learn. In this process, grammar rules are required to be memorized with a long list of vocabulary. The emphasis is more on developing oral ability and understanding the sentence structure.
3. Audio Lingual
In this learning process, kids will be made to develop a habit of learning and studying every day. Kids are asked to practice dialogues in each and every situation. Sometimes small dialogues, sometimes big dialogues. In this way, they can imbibe a habit of talking in the target language i.e. English and not their vernacular language.
This method is also approved by schools and other experienced teachers who have been observing kids and their learning procedure. So the language, English is drilled into kid’s minds before they can write the exact same thing.
4. The Structural Language Learning Approach
In this method, children are introduced to the complex concept of grammar rules. These rules need to be learned one at a time and in a particular order. So for instance, you are teaching your kids about “to be” then they need to practice the verb tenses before the present continuous tense use it as an auxiliary verb.
5. Learning By Providing Suggestions
The basic theory that is underlying in this method is that the language can be acquired only when the kids are very receptive to it and there are no mental blocks. By working on the various methods it is suggested to the students that the English language is quite easy and learning can be continued by providing examples of each and everything. In this way, even if the child is having any sort of mental block, then it would be removed easily.
6. Working – Total Physical Response
In the particular method, the kids are observed to check whether they can respond to simple commands such as “Stand Up”, “ Close Your Book”, “Open Your Book”, “Start Writing” etc. Now you could understand that this method will put more emphasis on aural comprehension rather than writing.
7. Working Method
In this particular method, you need to be more careful as the method focuses on the learner’s ability to effectively communicate in appropriate situations. They encounter various different situations in a day sometimes they might find the situations relatable and sometimes not.
8. Communicative Language Teaching Method
You can consider it as one of the most interesting and fun ways of learning. The focus of this particular method would be to enable the kids or generally the learners to communicate effectively and appropriately. They can learn to invite, suggest, complain, use notions, express emotions, time, quantity and location.
Englishbix will bring up similar topics that would be helping you to teach your kids in an effective and efficient way. Till then stay tuned!