Types of Crime and Criminals Vocabulary Terms

In English, we come across a lot of words each and every day. Today we’ll be talking about different crimes and criminals. But first let us understand the terms, a crime is a serious illegal act such as murder, abduction or robbery while a Criminal is somebody who has convicted a crime.

25+ Crimes and Criminal Names Vocabulary

In this list, we are discussing words that portray different types of crimes that are committed by criminals such as kidnapping, hijacking, blackmailing, forgery.

abductiontaking someone away by force, demanding money for their safe return
arsonsetting fire to a building, cars or property on purposearsonist
assassinationkilling a famous person or public figureassassin
assaultattacking someone physicallyassailant
bigamymarrying someone when you are already married to another personbigamist
blackmailthreatening to reveal someone’s secrets if a lot of money is not paidblackmailer*
bombingdetonating an explosive device with the plan of harming people or propertybomber
briberygiving money or granting favors to influence another person’s decisions or behaviorbriber*
burglarybreaking into a house in order to steal somethingburglar
child abusetreating a child badly in a physical, emotional, or sexual waychild abuser
corruptionbehaving illegally and dishonestly; especially those in power
crimedoing something illegal that can be punished by lawcriminal
cybercrimedoing something illegal over the Internet or a computer systemcyber criminalhacker**
domestic violencebehaving violently inside the home
drunk drivingdriving with too much alcohol in your blooddrunk driver
embezzlementstealing large amounts of money that you are responsible for, often over a period of timeembezzler
espionagespying, to obtain political or military informationspy
forgeryillegally copying documents, money, etc. to cheat peopleforger
fraudgetting money from people by cheating themcon artistfraud
genocidekilling on purpose a large number of people, especially from a particular group or area
hijackingtaking control of a plane, train etc by force, often to meet political demandshijacker
hit and runnot stopping to help a person hurt in an accident caused by you
homicidekilling another person on purpose
hooliganismbeing violent or aggressive on purpose; often used to describe youthhooligan
identity theftusing someone else’s personal information for one’s own gain
kidnappingtaking someone away by force, often demanding money for their safe returnkidnapper

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