Multiplication is the process of adding the number to itself multiple number of times. The word is made of ‘multi’- (meaning more than one) and ‘plication’ (to do something). When we say, four time five, it means that four is added to itself five time. That makes it twenty.
It is a primitive mathematical concept that is being used since ancient time to calculate objects that repeat itself or a phenomenon that repeats over the course of time.
We use multiplication every day without our knowledge, from calculating the money we have in multiples of currency to the number of people in our school. For example, if John has fifty rupees, he essentially has fifty times worth of a rupee. Units of a physical quantity is based on the concept of multiplication. Every unit is a multiple of another standard unit and compound units are multiples of one or more standard units.
Multiplication Vocabulary Words
Word | Meaning |
multiple | the product of a given whole number and any other whole number |
prime number | a whole number greater than 1 that has only two factors, 1 and itself |
composite number | a whole number greater than 1 that has more than two different factors |
compatible numbers | numbers that are easy to work with mentally |
square number | the product of a number multiplied times itself |
zero property | the product of any number times zero will be zero |
one property | the product of any number times one will be that number |
common multiple | a number that is a multiple of two or more different numbers |
least common multiple | the least number that is a multiple of two or more different numbers |
commutative property | changing the order of two factors does not change the product |
associative property | changing the order of three or more factors does not change the product |
distributive property | multiplying a sum by a number is the same as multiplying each addend by the number and adding the resulting products together |
product | the answer you get when you multiply two factors together |
factor | numbers that are multiplied together to get a product |
odd number | a number having 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 as the last digit to the right |
even number | a number having 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 as the last digit to the right |
dimensions | measurement the tells the length and width of a plane figure |
multiplicand | the number that is multiplied by the multiplier |
triple / tripled | to multiply by three |
identify | multiplying by one won’t change a number, when a number is multiplied by one the result is the number itself |
times | multiplied by |
twice | two times |
double / doubled | multiplied by 2, twice as much |
square root | a number when multiplied by itself gives the original number |
Zero Property | When one factor is the number 0, the product is 0 |
Identity Property | When one factor is 1, the other factor is the answer. Ex: 9×1=9 |
Commutative property | You can multiply two factors in any order and get the same product |
algebric expression | An expression that has numbers, operations and variables, but no equals sign. |
equation | An equation is a mathematical sentence that describes two equal quantities. Equations contain equals signs. |
variable | A variable is a symbol used to represent an unknown or changing quantity. |
formula | rule expressed in symbols. |
unit | a device that has a specified function |
matrices | metric system of measurement. |
measure | ascertain the size, amount, or degree of something by using an instrument or device |
calculate | determine the amount or number of something mathematically. |
increment | an increase or addition |
perimeter | the continuous line forming the boundary of a closed geometrical figure. |
power | raising a base number to the exponent |
square | a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles. |
cube | a symmetrical three-dimensional shape |
After learning the terms in the above table you can also go through the following words.
multiply | product | number | digit |
group | into | tables | equal |
single | double | triple | quadruple |
math | arithmetic | twice | thrice |
times | factor | square | exponent |
grade | greater | lesser | bracket |
formula | operations | multiplier | multiplicand |
unit | cross | above | below |
figure | indices | cube | increment |
matrices | solve | increase | decrease |
decrement | numerical | measure | data |
value | area | answer | calculate |
counting | equation | expression | graph |
integer | decimal | rational number | irrational number |
numeral | negative | positive | numerator |
denominator | odd | even | perimeter |
power | prime number | composite number | proof |
quarter | real number | series | set |
solution | sum | symbol | thousandth |
hundredth | tenth | lakh | crore |
millionth | billionth | variable | whole number |
x axis | y axis | zero | axis |
linear | circular | carry | cardinal |
compare | sort | more | less |
row | category | quantity | object |
size | weight | length | between |
classify | order | round off | dozen |
measurements | next to | attribute | stack |
milli | centi | pico | femto |
compute | force | shift | peta |
deci | deca | compounding | recurrence |
hexadecimal | compound | multiplicative | variance |
trillion | tetra | integral | duplicate |
triplicate | root | factorial | replicate |
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