Lady Macbeth is powerful, cruel, and ambitious. She is the one who proposes to Macbeth that they should kill Duncan in order to fulfill the prophecy of the witches. She seems to have a stronger will than Macbeth her husband, helping her husband recover from his fears after killing Duncan, and helps the cover up.
In fact, she believes that men are more violent and aggressive. She wishes she could be a man, so that she could do according to the prophecy and kill the king. Lady Macbeth, one of Shakespeare’s worst female characters, is portrayed as a harsh, cruel, and power hungry woman with no conscience.
Lady Macbeth is portrayed as deceptive and power-hungry. She encourages Macbeth her husband to gain strength – no matter whatever the cost.
Adjective Words to Describe Lady Macbeth
Following are common words used for describing Lady Macbeth and her husband Macbeth:
Action-Oriented | Desperate | Inferior |
Affection | Devoted | Insincere |
Aggressive | Dominant | Isolated |
Ambitious | Energy | Jealous |
Arrogance | Eventual Death | Liar |
Attitude | Evil | Loyal |
Average | Fierce | Malicious |
Black | Frightening | Manipulative |
Clever | Great | Mental Instability |
Commanding | Greedy | Murderess |
Conflicted | Grotesque | No Conscience |
Conniving | Guilty | Obsessive |
Courageous | Harsh | Passionate |
Cruel | Headstrong | Persuasive |
Depressed | Heartless | Placed |
Power Hungry | Presence Of Mind | Psychopath |
Purposeful | Ruthless | Sensual |
Sinister | Strong | Tragic |
Trembling | Troubled | Uncompassionate |
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