To make it is easy for young readers to memorize sight words we have prepared a list of 80+ sight words.
This sight word list is for a 4th grade student and it is necessary to improve their communication skills with their elder, younger and surrounding people. These new sight words help children become more confident in expressing their feeling, vibes and behavior etc.
4th Grade Sight Words for kids
In this section we provide you a tabular list of sight words to help a fourth grader enhance his vocabulary skill.
Across | Against | Better | Become | Black | Birds | Body | Complete |
Covered | Certain | Cold | Cried | Door | During | Draw | Ever |
Early | Fall | Field | Figure | Friends | Fast | Farm | Ground |
Hundred | Heard | Himself | Heard | Happened | Hold | Hours | Knew |
Listen | Lack | Low | Measure | Mark | Morning | Map | Money |
You can also refer to the list of 4th grade sight word worksheets to practice these words and learn how they are used in sentences.
North | North | Notice | Observe | Order | Pattern | Piece | Pass |
Problem | Plan | Questions | Reach | Remember | Room | Short | Seen |
Sing | Several | Since | Slowly | Step | Sure | Table | Told |
Toward | Today | True | Travel | Happened | Upon | Usually | Vowel |
Utter | Voice | Waves | War | Whole | Shallow | Wind | Wood |
Parents and Teachers can keep this guided list handy for future reference and refer it whenever there is a need.
You can download the free printable form of worksheets and use it offline to train your kid.
Make your child use these words while writing to give them a good practice.