50+ Adjectives Words List & Their Use in Sentences

Today let’s look at a comprehensive list of 50 adjectives words and see how they are used in sentences to add more value to a noun. But before that first have a look at what is an adjective.

An adjective is a word naming an attribute of a noun, such as sweet, red, or technical. It is a word belonging to one of the major form classes in any of numerous languages and typically serving as a modifier of a noun to denote a quality of the thing named, to indicate its quantity or extent, or to specify a thing as distinct from something else.

So basically, the main function of an adjective is to modify a noun or a pronoun so that it will become more specific and interesting. Instead of just one word, a group of words with a subject and a verb can also function as an adjective. When this happens, the group of words is called an adjective clause.

List of Adjective Words used in Sentences

Here is the list of adjective words you have been waiting to learn and their usage in sentences:

  1. That house was abandoned years ago.
  2. He’ll have to trust you to maintain absolute secrecy.
  3.  She had continued her classes and was somehow maintaining acceptable grades.
  4.  He is one of the school’s most accomplished graduates.
  5.  She did remember the strange babyish voice he used.
  6. He said they called him a bad name.
  7.  The room had bare floorboards.
  8.  I don’t want to deny you such a basic need.
  9. This bighearted actor donated $1 million
  10.  The owner was candid about the things that went wrong as well as the successes.
  11. I have invested all of my capital in long term investments
  12. She is a caring person.
  13. The Swiss star knows her dominance is not so clear cut.
  14. The door is closed
  15. This is a common place
  16. I am comfortable in my attire
  17. She is very creative
  18. This is a cold place
  19. Even in the dense underbrush, it had found another rock.
  20. These are delectable handmade chocolates’
  21. Factory work can be physically demanding.
  22. The demand for a product determines its price.
  23. He was delirious with fever.
  24. You look as eager for tomorrow as I am.
  25. I saw an elderly  man in the street
  26. That is an expensive dress
  27. She looks fabulous
  28. That is fake  product
  29. She is a famous actress
  30.  This restaurant is known for its generous portions
  31. She looked glamorous in her formal black gown.
  32. From the latter there grew agigantic gourd.
  33. He did not look so immense on this mighty stage.
  34. We should listen to the judicious opinion of that old man.
  35. The head teacher was knowledgeable in each subject.
  36. Someone who is light-hearted is cheerful and happy.
  37. He leaned his whole massive body across the table.
  38. You are still naive enough to hope he’ll stick around.
  39. The article makes some outrageous claims about her personal life.
  40. The boy was passionate about wildlife
  41. The water available in the village is of questionable quality.
  42. She looked radiant at her wedding.
  43. I am really scared about speaking in front of the class.
  44. He was accustomed to being around sophisticated people
  45.  It was a terrible choice for a hiding place.
  46. His ultimate test was one that could destroy him.
  47. It’s like I was in this weird dream.
  48. He lay writhing on the ground, clutching his head in pain.
  49. She looks wretched.
  50. Stretching his arms and yawning, he leaned forward to rise.
  51. The soup is yummy
  52. You are not good at feigning your zest.
  53. They staggered in a zigzag across the tarmac
  54. The shop assistant is very zealous
  55. His zany humour.

Phew!, that were too many sentences to learn at a one go. Do not worry, you can use this blog as a reference and bookmark it for future reference.

Notice now adding adjectives add more flavors to your noun words.

How about sharing it ?, and If you have got some sentences drop them in the comments we will add them here.

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