Adjective Words to Describe Water

Water. Some may believe water to be a lifeline whereas for some its just a chemical. Water is transparent. It doesn’t have a color of its own. It’s also odorless.

Water can exist in all three forms of matter. The solid, liquid and gaseous form. In the solid form, it is popularly known as ice. In liquid form, it is popularly known as water. And in gaseous form, it is popularly known as water vapor or just vapor. The water cycle causes the water to change its form from one to another naturally. It can also be done manually by keeping water at different temperatures.

Water can be defined using a lot of adjectives. We can use different adjectives to describe different forms of water i,e. solid, liquid and gaseous form.

1. Solid form is called ice or snow.

2. Liquid form is called water.

3.  Gaseous form is called vapor or water vapor.

Adjective Words to Describe Water 

Following are some common words we can use to describe water in writing:

  1. Chilly
  2. Frosty
  3. Cool
  4. Frigid
  5. Glacial
  6. Polar
  7. Biting
  8. Chilling
  9. Frost-bound
  10. Glaring
  11. Refrigerated
  12. Shivering
  13. Shivery
  14. Blue
  15. Boiling
  16. Brackish
  17. Calm
  18. Clean
  19. Clear
  20. Cold
  21. Dangerous
  22. Deep
  23. Dirty
  24. Distilled
  25. Drinking
  26. Dripping
  27. Dark
  28. Falling
  29. Flood
  30. Flowing
  31. Gushing
  32. Hot or cold
  33. Muddy
  34. Polluted
  35. Potable
  36. Pure
  37. Running
  38. Rushing
  39. Salty
  40. Slippery
  41. Sparkling
  42. Splashing
  43. Still
  44. Surface
  45. Gaseous
  46. Noxious
  47. Transparent
  48. Condensable
  49. Explosive
  50. Inflammable
  51. Combustible
  52. Atmospheric
  53. Aqueous
  54. Flammable
  55. Poisonous
  56. Anesthetic
  57. inhaled
  58. pungent
  59. smoky


Water is a god’s gift to us humans. It exists in three forms: the liquid, solid and gaseous form. The liquid form is water. The solid form is ice or snow. The gaseous form is water vapor. And we can use a lot of adjectives to describe these three forms of water.

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  1. Words to Describe a River
  2. Words to Describe Sea and Ocean

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