In language, Archaism is a word, a sense of a word, or a style of speech or writing that is historically longer than living memory, but that has survived for a few.
Archaism is an old word or expression that is no longer used with its original meaning or is only used in certain subjects or places. The word archaism is derived from the Greek word archaïkós meaning “ancient.”
Another explanation is: Archaism is a term that is no longer commonly used, but is used as a result of style to mimic the sounds of an old language. One of the most common antiquities in English is “you” or “you,” which is used only in certain contexts (such as “By this ring I marry you”). Archaisms can also occur in the development of a less-used system.
Examples of Archaic Words
Let us now work on Archaism Words translated / explained in English:
Word | Meaning |
`belike | with considerable certainty; without much doubt |
cap-a-pie | at all points from head to foot |
cozen | be dishonest with |
fain | having made preparations |
fardel | a burden |
fool | a person who lacks good judgment |
forsooth | an archaic word originally meaning `in truth’ but now usually used to express disbelief |
gaoler | someone who guards prisoners |
haply | by accident |
hautboy | a slender double-reed instrument |
hautbois | a slender double-reed instrument |
hugger mugger | act stealthily or secretively |
incarnadine | redden or make pinkish |
liege | city in eastern Belgium |
marry | become someone’s spouse |
meed | a fitting reward |
soft | yielding readily to pressure or weight |
sooth | truth or reality |
verily | in truth; certainly |
welkin | the apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected |
withal | together with this |
wonted | commonly used or practiced; usual |
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