Awubis and Aaawwubbis Words List with Examples

Awubis words is a group of common subordinating conjunctions which are used in creating dependent clauses that cannot stand alone in a sentence because they do not convey the full meaning.

In simple terms, it is an acronym for the most commonly used subordinating conjunctions. 

A dependent clause usually starts with an AWUBIS word: As/Although/After, While/When, Unless, Because/ Before, If, Since.

Examples of Awubis Words

Following is a list of awubis words with example sentences:

Word Sentence Example
After After fourth period, I will get ready to go to my swim meet.  
When When I got back from my “Destination Imagination” competition, I went to bed.  
Until Until I score above 95%, I am not satisfied.  
Before Before my fourth period, I have lunch.  
If If it is late to withdraw cash, you call me for help.
Since Since John had already eaten, I made do with a sandwich.

AAAWWUBBIS words is a group of most common words used to make complex sentences – As, Although, After, While, When, Unless, Because, Before, If, Since.

Complex sentences are aptly named because they are more complex than simple sentences and offer more options for combining ideas than compound sentences.

The most accessible way to understand complex sentence structure is to use the word because. All complete sentences that use the word because they are complex sentences.

Here’s an example.

  • I am tired today because I was playing video games too late last night.
  • Because the apples were on sale, Jawad purchased an extra few.

The second sentence starts with Because! It is possible to start a sentence with it. The more accurate and nuanced rule that we should be teaching our students is that they can start sentences with Because so long as they finish them. Because is a powerful and useful word, and it’s very quickly acquired by English language learners.

AAAWWUBBIS doesn’t contain all the words needed to make complex sentences, but it does contain the most common ones.

List of AAAWWUBBIS Words

Here are some examples of complex sentences clauses in action with the AAAWWUBBIS words in bold.

  1. As the day ended with a good note
  2. Although I tried my best to convince him
  3. After the great game was over
  4. While we all clubbed together
  5. When the bell rang
  6. Unless you count hundred for getting a surprise gift
  7. Because you never showed
  8. Before you retire to bed
  9. If you wish to visit the neighbors
  10. Since the cat ate the pigeon

Keep exploring EnglishBix for more topics related to different types of conjunctions.

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Examples of Coordinating Conjunctions List of Correlative Conjunctions Pairs