Driving and Traffic Vocabulary Words in English

Driving is the controlled operation and movement of a ground vehicle, such as a car, truck or bus. Although the direct operation of a bicycle with a passenger is often referred to as riding, such riders are considered legitimate or legitimate drivers and are required to obey and follow traffic rules by the authorities.

Driving should not be considered entertainment but should be used for careful transportation in accordance with road safety guidelines including safety rules.

We are giving you a list of words you need to know in order to drive the car safely in the middle of road traffic.

Driving Vocabulary Words in English

Following are common words related to driving and traffic safety for beginner drivers:

Road sign A sign indicating how to follow directions
Bonnet or Hood The part that closes the car engine
Brake Stopping the movement of vehicle by applying brakes
Bumper Impact absorber in car / the car protection
Car Crash An accident involving two cars colliding with each other or a car colliding with an object
Car service Customized service as per specification and driving records
Crosswalk or Zebra crossing What makes pedestrians cross the road
Dashboard All vehicle details / display board in front of the driver when driving
A door mirror/fender mirror/ outside rear-view mirror/side (view) mirror/ wing mirror Exterior mirror to see places in the back and sides of the car, without the driver’s vision
Driver’s license An official document that gives you the right to drive
Fine Financial punishment for not following the rules or traffic guidelines
Foot brake Slow down pedal
Hand brake Mirror the status quo to see what’s happening behind you
Gear The method that needs to be used to move faster or slower
Mirror What you use to change gear
Headlight Car headlights
Hit and Run If you are part of an accident and are leaving before an accident report is made, contact details or at least the contact numbers are exchanged
Lane Line / route / line on the road
Park and Ride Public place to share


Parking A place where you can park your car
Petrol gauge A measurement tool that tells you how much fuel you have left
Seat Belt What you bind or wear when you drive a car, a plane or a coach
Sedan Family / luxury car
Spare part Duplicate or extra part of a machine
Spare tire A used or maintained tire is available as a way to change the emergency in a car
Speed limit The maximum speed should not exceed
Steering wheel Vehicle movement control
Traffic light A signal (green, orange or red) tells you to stop or stop
Traffic violation Driving not as per driving rules
Wheel A circular frame or disk arranged around an axis, such as on a car or a machine
Windscreen Viper An electric ladder with a rubber band that wipes the front screen of rain, snow and dirt.
Windshield The car’s front window
Tow away The act of legalizing the vehicle in an area where it has been illegally abandoned
Engine Mechanical movement of cars with various parts
Exhaust pipe Rear Exhaust in the vehicle
Indicator A light signal indicating that you are turning left or right
Heavy traffic Lots of vehicle movement on the road
Light/noise/sound pollution Emitted by lights and sounds
Gears For speed change as required
Accelerator Increasing motor movement
Battery Used for Ignition and other light intakes including AC

We hope that with the knowledge of these driving terms under your belt you’ll become a better driver and keep others safe on road.

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Quick Links

  1. Car Parts Vocabulary for Beginners
  2. Truck Part Names with Pictures