You can see that reporters and surveyors are continuously working on something new and interesting.
In English, slang words are basically informal words that are used by a group of people. These slang words are generally used while chatting or in emails. They are also called as conversational slang. The use of slang words also shows how language is evolving with time.
English Slang Words for Everyday Use
Here in this list, you could see some of the various slang words that are used by kids on a regular basis.
- Awesome: Really great! Cool!
- Beef: Conflict with someone; complaint against someone –
- Big Time: Large amount
- Blab: Talk too much
- Blast: A great experience; an enjoyable time
- Bling: Flashy jewelry
- Bloody: Very; really; totally; complete
- Blow: Waste something like money or an opportunity –
- Bogus: Fake; false; unreal
- Break: An opportunity for advancement in one’s career; lucky turn of events
- Bugger: A disliked thing
- Bummer: The feeling of sadness; pertaining to something which is sad
- Busted: To be charged with a crime or offense
- Cabbie: Taxi driver; cab driver
- Cahoots: Working together secretly
- Cheesy: Low quality; distasteful; not stylish
- Chicken Out: Cowardly; not to do/change your mind in doing out of fear
- Chill Out: Relax; take it easy
- Chillin’ Out: To relax; the act of relaxing, “taking it easy”
- Chocl Full: Crammed full
- Chow: Food
- Ciao: A greeting -hello or goodbye, borrowed from the Italian language
- Cold Fish: An unfriendly, unsociable person
- Con: Persuade someone to do something in order to trick them
- Cool: Approval; a positive response; a person who is accepted by their peers, something you like is “cool”
- Cool: Likeable
- Cop: Policeman/woman
- Cop Out: Don’t do something because of a fear of failure
- Couch Potato: Someone who watches too much television
- Cranky: Irritable; easy to anger
- Crash: Fall asleep
- Cuppa: Cup of (a hot drink like coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, etc.)
- Cushy: Easy; undemanding
- Da Bomb: Excellent; extremely good
- Dead: Quiet; dull
- Deadbeat: Unreliable; dull; lazy
- Deck: Knock someone to the floor
- Deep: Something which is very emotional or has deep meaning
- Dicey: Risky; unsafe; dangerous
- Diddly Squat: Not anything
- Dig It: To understand; to recognize, dig can also mean you like it.
- Dirt: Information to damage someone’s reputation
- Diss: Show disrespect by saying or doing something insulting
- Ditch: End relationship with someone
- Dope: Stupid person; fool
- Dork: Socially awkward
- Down With It: Unacceptable; don’t like it
- Downer: Something that makes you depressed or unexcited
- Drag: Something boring, tiresome, troublesome
- Dud: Something that does not work properly
- Dude: A male person
- Dudette: A female person
- Dunno: Directly translated to English means “don’t know”
- Dunno: ?Dunno: don’t know
- Dweeb: A person who is not accepted among those who are cool
- Earful: Verbal reprimand or verbal criticism; a long talk
- Easy Street: ?Financial security
- Eating: Annoying; bothering; upsetting
- El Cheapo: Very cheap
- Elbow Grease: Physical effort/hard work
- Exec: An executive or manager
- Fab: Fabulous; wonderful
- Fib: A small, harmless lie
- Flab: Body fat; soft loose flesh on a person’s body
- Flake: Unreliable person who says he/she will do something, but doesn’t
- Flick: A movie
- Flip Flop: To have a sudden reversal of thought or policy
- Fluke: A good outcome stemming more from luck than skill
- Flunk: To fail a course or course
- Freak: Strange
- Freebie: Something for free
- Funky: Good; pertaining to music which has a certain type of beat, also things can be “funky” which means they are “unusual”
- Gag: A joke
- Garbage: Of poor quality – The items in the discount furniture store looked like garbage so the lady went to a more up-scale store.
- Gear: Equipment; clothing – The scuba diver packed his gear for the diving trip.
- Geek: A person who may be very smart yet lacks the social graces of those who are considered coo
- Goofy: Silly or harmlessly eccentric
- Goose: A silly or stupid person
- Gotta: An abbreviation for the words “got to”, must get or must do
- Grub: Food
- Hairy: Dangerous; risky; scary
- Hang Out: ? To spend time with
- Hang Up: An emotional problem causing inhibition or unreasonable behavior
- Hare Brained: Stupid and foolish
- Hassle: To annoy or bother someone
- Hung Up: Overly concerned about something or someone
- Hunk: An attractive man with a strong, muscular body
- Hunky Dory: Good; fine; going well
- Hype: Exaggerated praise for a product or person for promotional purposes
- Hyper: Over-excited; over-active
- Icky: Unpleasant in color or taste
- Iffy: Doubtful; of uncertain qualities or legality
- In: Fashionable; trendy
- In Deep: Deeply involved
- Lit: Meaning when something is fun/cool
- Rage Quitting: Meaning when a person quits a video game because they’re losing
- Savage: When you are referring to the actions when someone has done something bold or feisty.
- Squad: Referring to a group of friends
- Triggered: Some actions that annoy others.
You can notice that this is the best way to learn unfamiliar slang words. Another alternative can be to pay attention to the various contextual clues and also listen to the terms and then use it. You can also help others to engage with slang words and have fun while reading.
Slang might also be considered inappropriate but only while drafting a formal letter, email or any formal content. Keep Learning with EnglishBix!
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