May vs Might – Use with Sentence Examples

When you are expressing the possibility of something, it is important to understand the difference between the words ‘may’ and ‘might’. These two words can be used in an interchangeable sense but, there are some slight differences between the two.

The word ‘may’ is used to describe the possibility of something whether it be factual or a possibility, while The word ‘might’ is used to describe the possibility of something happening. It is used hypothetically.

When to Use May in Sentences

The word ‘may’ is used to express the possibility of something. Let’s see what do we mean by that with some sentences.

  • He may not like that.
  • I think she may go for that job.
  • It looks like it may rain.
  • There may be a chance of a thunderstorm.
  • There may not be any time left to do that.

When to Use Might in Sentences

The word ‘might’ is used to express the possibility of an unfulfilled situation.

  • He might actually be able to do.
  • She might have to do it.
  • I think they might win.
  • I think that they might have a better chance than before.
  • It might shape up to be a beautiful day.

Even though these two words have very similar meanings; they still have their own differences.

While ‘may’ describes the possibility of a situation, ‘might’ does also. However, ‘might’ is also used to express the possibility of what might have happened, but with is focused on things that did not happen.

‘Might’ can be seen as the past tense of ‘may’.

For example:

  • I might have done it if he gave me all the details.
  • It might have been easy, but there was a lack of communication.
  • It might not be difficult if you didn’t make it that way.

Even though these two words can be used interchangeably, it is not recommended because sometimes it doesn’t sound right. You can use these words interchangeably but the word ‘might’ or ‘may’ can sound better in different contexts, it all depends on the sentence.
Take a look at this table below and you can decide what you think sounds better.

I think he might have done it.I think he may have done it.
We might need to go to the store.I may need to go to the store.
I might just have to.We may just have to.

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