Top Most Easily Confusing Words in English with Spellings

Writing is something that makes involved with the content. But there are some problems that crop up while you are drafting your content and those problems are spelling mistakes, typos, and grammar mistakes.

It is very vital to understand that your spelling of a particular word would be completely correct but you may have used the wrong word in the content.

So we come to know that the English language can be a bit confusing and it brings up words that sound almost similar but have different spelling. English is also filled with words that might share similar meaning and hence they are easy to misuse.

List of Most Often Commonly Confused Words of English

Here we bring some of the commonly used words which can be confused and might end up being used in the wrong places.

1. Advice Or Advise:

Well you can easily see that the pronunciation of these words is very similar to each other. But we need to know the difference between the two words. The word Advice is a noun whereas the Advise is a verb. See the examples to understand it in a better way.

  • Your boy, Christie gave genuine advice to Maya regarding exams.
  • It was advised by Mohan to not let anyone enter the forest gate.


2. Affect Or Effect:

We already know the fact that the word ‘Affect’ is a verb but the word ‘Effect’ is considered as a noun. With examples, you would be able to understand the usage of words in a better way.

  • Denver was singing which affected Ginny’s ability to focus on her studies.
  • Denver was very sorry for the effect of his singing and the sound he was creating.

Suppose you find that you have been stumped and very confused about which word to use and where then try to substitute the words ‘alter’ and ‘results’ in place of ‘affect and ‘effect’. It will help you to make the right choice of words.


3. Among Or Amongst: 

The word that you see ‘Among’ is preferably used in American Engish and it is quite common there. Whereas the word Amongst is a very much common part of British English. You can use both the words and neither of them is wrong.


4. Among Or Between

As you cans ee the word ‘among’ directly expresses a collective or loose relationship but of several types. ‘Between’ is a word that will express the relation of one thing to another or to many other things.

  • The letter and its details were shared among the team members to work upon.
  • The secret was to keep between Maya and her sister and no one else.


5. Assure Or Ensure Or Insure:

All three words focus on similar meanings. The word ‘assure’ states that something definitely happens and it is true. The word ‘Ensure’ means that you are guaranteed something or make sure of some work or activity. Whereas the third word ‘Insure’ defines that you need to take out any insurance or policy.

All three could be understood in a better way by examples:

  • Mohan was assured by Vedika that there would be no cheating in the game.
  • Maya had already informed and ensured that all the documents are safe.
  • Vedita was taking an insurance policy this week.


6. Breathe Or Breath:

As we know that ‘Breath’ is a noun whereas the word “Breathe’ is a verb. Breath is basically the air that goes in and out of your lungs and breathes is the activity that your body performs which means to inhale and exhale.

  • Maya was so stumped that she held her breathe for a while.
  • You must deep breathly while performing the workout of yoga.



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