Plants and Trees English Vocabulary Words – A to Z List

We all love greenery isn’t it. Plants make this greenery, which is very important for a healthy and clean environment.

Plants use the process of photosynthesis to remove carbon dioxide from the air and add oxygen to the air, which we breathe in. Plants make their own food through this process.

A plant can have female and male parts both or some plants have only male parts and some have only female parts. The male or pollen bearing part is called the stamen and it consists of filament and anther. The female or seed bearing part is called pistil and it consists of stigma, style and ovary. The style connects ovary to the stigma. The ovary produces ovules or seeds. The stigma is often sticky and receives pollen from other plants during pollination.

There are two types of plants, monocot and dicot. Monocot means one cotyledon and floral parts are in multiple of three while dicot has two cotyledons and floral parts are in multiple of four or five. Vascular plants have xylem and phloem to transport water, food and minerals while non-vascular plants lack them. They use roots, which are under the soil to absorb water and minerals from the soil.

Having read about the plants and how it lives, let’s look at some common words which are related to plants.

40+ Words Related to Plants and Trees

Agriculture Bamboo Canopy Carpel Dicot
Embryo Epicotyl Filament Fern Guard cell
Lamina Leaf Leaflet Legume Meristem
Nectar Ovary Palmate Perennial Photosynthesis
Pollen Pollinate Petiole Root Root hairs
Root tip Seedling Sap Sepal Shoot
Stem Stigma Spore Stamen Stalk
Stipule Tuber Vascular plant Xylem Yucca
Plumule Monocot Midrib Horticulture Herb
Germinate Anther   Xylem   Phloem   Angiosperm

Using the process of Agriculture we can cultivating certain plants to produce food like fruits or vegetables.

We can make this earth a greener place if we all just plant one tree. Keep learning new vocabulary words with EnglishBix!

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