E Adjectives: Positive Words that Start with e

We will today be discussing the adjectives that starts with the alphabet ‘E’. It will prove to be the best way which can enhance the vocabulary.

Positive Adjective Words starting with E

Lets checkout this extensive list of all the adjectives that starts with ‘E’ with their meanings and one sentence example to help you understand the usage of the word.

1. Eccentric –

Meaning: Off-center or just a little bit crazy
Example: The eccentric lady down the street owns 25 cats.


2. Eclectic –

Meaning:  Deriving ideas, taste, or style from various sources
Example: Harry has a very eclectic taste in music.


3. Eerie –

Meaning: Strange or frightening
Example: The eerie sounds coming from the basement sent chills up her spine.


4. Effervescent –

Meaning: Someone who’s enthusiastic and vivacious
Example: Life’s more fun with effervescent people.


5. Efficacious –

Meaning: Capable of producing the desired effect
Example: The more efficacious workflow increased production by 15%.


6. Effluent –

Meaning: Flowing out of
Example: That factory needs to be more mindful of its effluent waste.


7. Egregious –

Meaning: Remarkably bad
Example: Johnny’s egregious error cost his team dearly.


8. Eldritch –

Meaning: Sinister and strange
Example: The stillness of the night was broken by an eldritch creaking noise.


9. Electric –

Meaning: Brilliant and vivid
Example: Nirvana’s electric performance really tore the house down.


10. Elegiac –

Meaning: Something that’s haunting and mournful
Example: My favorite is the elegiac poems of the late 18th century.


11. Elephantine –

Meaning: A likeness to an elephant; big, strong, and kind of scary
Example: The elephantine beast reared its ugly head.


12. Empathetic –

Meaning: An ability to share in and understand someone else’s feelings
Example: With an empathetic embrace, Joan assured Carl he wasn’t alone.


13. Empirical –

Meaning: The only way to really know something
Example: Empirical evidence suggests this was no accident.


14. Endogamous –

Meaning: Marrying within your own clan
Example: The Amish are a largely endogamous society.


15. Entropic –

Meaning: The inevitable degradation of any social system or structure into chaos
Example: Once Seamus showed up, the party descended into an entropic disaster.


16. Eponymous –

Meaning: Named after someone or something
Example: The eponymous character just floats through life without direction.


17. Esoteric –

Meaning: Intended to be understood only by a select few
Example: No one could understand Janine’s esoteric explanation of thermodynamics.


18. Excellent –

Meaning: Really, really good
Example: The crowd lined up around the block for the excellent pumpkin croissants at Chez Christophe.


19. Earthly

Meaning: possible; conceivable; terrestrial; real.

Example: The air was fresh with earthly scents of topsoil, grass, trees, and wildflowers.


20. Ebullient

Meaning: joyously enthusiastic; high-spirited; overflowing; bubbling.

Example: It is perhaps not surprising that the ebullient Minister, harassed by multifarious problems from all quarters, has lost his cool.


21. Ecumenical

Meaning: of worldwide scope; universal; general.

Example: He called the first ecumenical church council in 325 to make doctrine uniform throughout the empire.


22. Educated

Meaning: possessing more than average knowledge; showing evidence of experience, schooling or training; characterized by full comprehension of the problem.

Example: The order has a large urban base, and its educated members are particularly politically active.


23. Effective

Meaning: producing required decided effect or decisive effects; operative; serviceable; efficient.

Example: Effective client onboarding continues to be a major priority and concern of our clients.


24. Elegant

Meaning: displaying tasteful, refined and pleasing beauty and behavior or style; polished; polite; graceful.

Example: Looking elegant in a golden fish-tail gown, she walked for Rocky on the penultimate day of the four-day fashion event.


25. Eloquent

Meaning: characterized by persuasive speech; articulate; fluently; expressing effectively and clearly.

Example: Eloquent on workers’ aspirations, Lyons retells their stories, creating a flowing account of their tastes in literature and growing awareness of their own interests.


26. Empathetic

Meaning: showing comprehension, understanding, and empathy for others; recognizing others’ feelings.

Example: It begins with one of your formulaic openings as an empathetic reporter gazes into the harrowed souls of old Diggers revisiting the Kokoda trail.


27. Eminent

Meaning: remarkable; prominent; lofty; high; outstanding; important; noteworthy; being metaphorically above others.

Example: While eminent singers will be involved as members of the jury, the talent scouting exercise will go on for six consecutive months.


28. Enduring

Meaning: durable; lasting; continuing.

Example: Attachment refers to an enduring affectional bond characterized by mutual trust, support, and emotional connection.


29. Enigmatic

Meaning: Mysterious.

Example: An enigmatic character in some respects, Costello played his politics close to his chest.


30. Enlightening

Meaning: gaining intellectual, moral or spiritual improvement.

Example: It is highly readable, often persuasive and enlightening on the plays, but it is speculation.


31. Enriching

Meaning: of something that improves or adds value, as in money, intellect or knowledge.

Example: Viewing knowledge as a tool for an enriching experience, pragmatism tends to be pluralistic, experimental, and naturalistic.

Phew!, we have finally reached the end of our list. There are more words we can add to this list but we would like to hear from you what are your favorite letter e adjectives. Write us in the comments and we’ll add those words to the existing list.


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