Small or Little : Difference & How to Choose the Right one

In this confused words guide we will look at how to correctly use words “small” and “little”. We will further see examples and their use in sentences to build our understanding.

After reading this post you’ll be able to easily make out the difference between these two similar looking words.

Small or Little : Which one Should I Use ?

The word “Small” is less frequently used compared to “Little”, we use “small” mostly in writings while “Little” is used more in communications.

Both the words are adjectives and are therefore used to express a property of a noun i.e size, amount etc.

“Small” is generally used to talk about the size of a noun.

For Example :

  1. My bat is very small.
  2. Can I have three small glasses ?
  3. I have a small amount of milk left.
  4. There were small number of people for voting.
  5. You are a small child. (usually used to refer to size of child)

“Little” is generally used to talk about amount, quantity etc. of a noun, and is mostly used with uncountable nouns.

For Example :

  1. I need a little water.
  2. You’re a little trouble for me.
  3. I am little worried.
  4. I have a little milk left.
  5. You are a little child. (usually used to refer to age of child)

Have a look at Example – 3 and see How “Little” can also be used to express an emotion.

Comparative and Superlative Forms of Small & Little

The comparative and superlative forms of “small” are most common in British English and they are smaller and Smallest; while of “Little” are used commonly in American English which are littler and littlest .

For Example :

  1. Mark is smaller than Stew. (comparison)
  2. Albert is smallest boy in the school.
  3. This is the littlest phone I have. ( though we can use word littlest but it is not preferred)
  4. He is littler than me.

Though examples 3 and 4 are correct in grammatical sense, but it sounds bit weird.

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