Spring Season Vocabulary Words List for Kids

Hello everyone! Today we are going to figure out more vocabularies and words that are related to spring.

But before furthermore, let’s read the definition of spring itself below.

Spring is the season that comes after winter. When the spring season began, the snow and ice melt, and the ground becomes thaws. In this season, we could see more intensity of the rain, the trees and plants will grow back as they are. Also, we can see more animals like before, such as butterflies, birds, squirrels, and many more.

Now, let’s move on to the vocabulary words list of the spring theme

Spring Vocabulary Words for Kids

AprilThis is the fourth month in a year, and also the second month of the spring season generally
BeeA kind of insect that eats or collect the sweet part of the flower (nectar), then produce it to honey
BirdAn animal that has a pair of the wing, the feathers, and could fly
BloomIs a verb that shows the growth, in this case, is for the growth of the flowers
BlossomThis is also a verb, that shows the condition where the buds turn into flowers
BreezeWind that blew softly and feels a bit cold
BudThe form of the flower before the bloom
ButterflyAn insect with such beautiful wings
CrocusThe yellowish red color ; the kind of flower that blooms in the spring season
DaffodilA kind of flower that colored yellow or white, it also blooms in the spring season
EasterIs an event that in several occasion also means to celebrate the spring in the Nortern Hemisphere
FieldsArea; sector
FlowersThe part of a plant has various colors, shapes, and sizes. Can bloom, and is very beautiful
FarmerA person who owns or manages a farm
GrassA plant that colored green like the leaf but without a stem, they usually can be found out in the fields
GreenThe color of leaf and grass
GrowThe process of an organism forms from the baby form to the adult one
GroundLand; dirt; field
GardenA small version of park, usually filled with plants and flowers
HatchWhen an egg is crack open
JuneThe last month of the spring season
KiteA toy with light material that can be played by flying it using a string
LambYoung sheep.
LeavesThe structural and functionala part of a plant
LadybugsTiny insect that colored as red-black polkadots
MarchThe first month where the spring season begins
NestBird’s house
PicnicAn outdoor occasion or activities for fun and usually eating together the packed meals
PlantA living organism that has a less complex structure body from animal and human, such as tree, grass, etc.
RainThe water drops from the clouds on the sky
RainbowThe beautiful nature occurrence which is colorful lights that happens after the rain
RaincoatThe clothes that usually made by plastic to prevent us from getting soaked by the rain
SeasonParticular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth’s changing position with regard to the sun.
SeedsThe part of a flowering plants that can be used to grow another plant
SpringThe season after winter and before summer, in which vegetation begins to appear, in the northern hemisphere from March to May and in the southern hemisphere from September to November.
SunshineDirect sunlight unbroken by cloud, especially over a comparatively large area.
TulipsA kind of flower that has a unique form and comes from the Netherlands
TreeA type of plant that usually are huge, has a root, stem, branches, and leaves
UmbrellaAnother equipment or tool that can helps us to prevent us from being soaked, or feels hot because exposed to the direct sun shine at the afternoon
VegetableA plant or part of a plant used as food, typically as accompaniment to meat or fish, such as a cabbage, potato, carrot, or bean.
WarmMedium to high temperature
WeatherThe condition of the nature, sky, etc
WindyThe period of a wather when there are many strong winds

Keep exploring EnglishBix to learn words related to different seasons.

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