5 Tips To Improve Your English Writing Skills & Get Better

We all are quite aware of the fact that writing is definitely not easy. It involves so many things that it literally becomes difficult for any lame man to do it. It is really a daunting task.

Sometimes even the writers do not have any proper idea of what they need to do that a particular moment. It might happen that they start questioning their own abilities to write well. You need to understand that just like some other skills, you also need to improve your writing skills, to do good in your writing career.

Once you learn how to effectively communicate your message then the game is yours. You might be thinking who is a good writer? It is a person who has the ability to engage his audience without much difficulty. Writers need to appear as simple and natural as possible.

Moreover, the grammar can positively impact your content or your script. Being a writer, if you wish to get all these points or factors right, then you will have to improve your writing skills on a regular basis.

5 Proven Ways to Improve Your English Writing Quickly

We bring you some of the most authentic ways to improve your writing skills:

1. You Need To Expand Your Vocabulary:

If you have a good active vocabulary, then you would be able to express yourself easily. Your readers will be able to grasp the message that you wish to convey to them. By expanding the vocabulary we do not mean that you just have to recognize a lot of words. It means that you are able to use them in your content. Only by doing this, you would be able to learn new words and use them as well.

Here is a small tip that you can easily use: First try to learn all the form of word and preposition that can be used in your content.


2. Make Efforts To Master Your Spelling:

One of the good quality of a writer is to spell the words correctly. Sometimes your incorrect spelling might change the meaning of the entire sentence.

Suppose you are trying to use “bear” and you spell it as “bare” then the meaning will definitely change. Moreover, incorrect spelling will make it very difficult for the reader to understand what you have tried to convey.

Tip: Always practice your words and spelling by using flashcards. With those cards, you would be able to test yourself whenever you are free or have some spare time.


3. Inculcate the habit of Reading Regularly:

You might have come across people who say that reading is the best thing a writer can do. It is very true. With reading, you get an idea of the different style of writing of every author, how they use words specifically how they mold the sentences in a stylish way to engage their readers. We bring you a small tip that you can use it: Your reading and learning process should not be boring, so choose the books very wisely. If you start getting bored with those books you won’t touch it again.


4. Focus On Your Grammar to Write Correctly

Grammar is the heart and soul of your content. It has the ability to improve your writing. Therefore, you must always use appropriate tenses and punctuations to draw out the perfect meaning from your sentences. Using punctuation will help you to make your writings very clear and fluent. The writers won’t be feeling any difficulty while reading it. With this, let’s see a small suggestion: Once after writing your entire content, just proof-read it. In this process, you will be able to get small and silly mistakes that you might have done unintentionally. Just look out for general mistakes that you have made while studying the entire work.


5. Go Move Ahead and Start Writing:

Yes, we are quite aware of the fact that writing cannot be as easy as it might appear. Therefore the best ways to improve it by getting a pen and paper and start working. Or you can also have your laptop and start working on that as well. If you wish to become a good writer then you must be ready to write your things many time. Sometimes you need to remove some sentences or sometimes you need to add it. You won’t get anything perfect in your first draft itself. You practice of writing is something that will make you perfect.

Tip: You can try to out your hand at various quizzes and exercises that will make you confident.



We, at EnglishBix, are here to provide you a helping hand whenever you feel like improving your writing skills. We would suggest you some more tips and writing tactics. Stay tuned.

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