In this short article we present you the list of words that start with Uni- as their prefix. We know one common word i.e. university and there are others as well.
So we’ll list a few of them here to help you get started with ‘uni’ vocabulary.
Some of the words are quite easy to grasp while others are really difficult, so it is preferred to start with the easy ones.
Words starting with ‘Uni’
- Unibrow
- Unicellular
- Uniform
- Unisons
- Unicycle
- Unicorn
- Unitive
- Unified
- Unique
- United
- Unialgal
- Unipod
- Uniter
- Unify
- Unity
- Union
- Unicameral
- Unite
- Uniaxial
- University
- Unit
- Unicolor
You don’t have to remember all these words at one go, you can bookmark this resource for future reference.
You can have a look at more articles related to prefixes and learn how they behave at EnglishBix.