Adjective Words to Describe Your Family

The family is an intimate domestic group made up of persons united by ties of marriage, blood or legal ties. It is the smallest and most important primary group found in any society.

Family is the most elementary group found in a society constitut­ing a single household interacting with each other in their respective social roles.  It is the first group of people a child is exposed to.

Family has huge influence on the life of an individual, from birth until death, and is the most enduring social relation­ship found in society. 

We have a special relationship with our family members especially our parents and siblings. They are more close to us compared to our distant relatives and teach us the core values of life.

Adjective Words to Describe Family

Following is list of adjective words to help you describe your lovely family relationships and their values.

Adoring Fierce Childless
Affectionate Fond Clan
Boisterous Loving Co-Parenting
Brotherly Motherly Extended
Close-Knit Nurturing Generations
Cohesive Passionate Immediate
Competitive Reserved In-Law
Devoted Sentimental Intertwined
Distant Sisterly Joint
Doting Strained Kin
Dysfunctional Tender Matriarchal
Estranged Warm Nontraditional
Fatherly Birth Nuclear
Aristocratic Influential Adoptive
Dynasty Powerful Struggling


Industrious Inventive Judgy
Ingenious Jovial Listeners
Innovative Joyful Literary
Integral Joyous Judgemental
Intelligent Local Loyal
Interesting Lucky Motivated
Introverted Cordial Noble
Musical Refined Peaceful
Neutral Reasonable Peculiar
New Playful Pleasant

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