5 Common Grammatical Mistakes to Avoid while Writing

Today we are going to discuss about the list of 5 common grammatical mistakes you should avoid in writing to make it look a lot cleaner.

Grammar is something we all are always confused about. Sometimes it might happen that we make a mistake and we are not even aware of it. Even after getting years of education, there are few things with which people still mess up. You would find it funny to know the answers of people. For some its algebra, for others, it is laws of physics but after all this, its just grammar.

People do not find it easy. Sometimes, the words and phrase that sound very clear in your head might become very gibberish when you write them down. And still, you won’t realize that you made a mistake. It is very easy to miss out some of the grammar mistakes, especially when you are the one who is editing your own content.

It would be really funny to know that, if you get a dollar for each grammatical mistake then you would be rich by now. But the thing is you don’t get paid for making mistakes. Rather making too many mistakes or errors would cost you your precious time and money. Sometimes your job.

The concern here is not about missing out the grammatical mistakes but to identify it and prevent from happening.


How will you prevent grammatical mistakes or errors from happening?

We have compiled a list of grammar mistakes that you must avoid while writing. You must use these handy tips to improve upon the writing and make it clearer, accurate and more professional.

1. Avoid Overuse of Adverbs:

As we know that adverbs are those words that are used to describe verbs and often end with -ly. It will modify the verbs. It is alright to use it once in a blue moon when you are working on any sort of fictional novel but not always. Excessive use of adverbs shows that you are weak at making a good choice of verbs. Instead of using too many words just improve upon the vocabulary to make it sound more perfect.

For example you can see below:

  • The girl will run really fast to catch the furry dog.
  • The girl sprinted to catch the dog.

2. Avoid Using Too Many Preposition Phrases

Again we are quite familiar with the prepositions. They are the words that would often come before the nouns and pronouns. They are used to show the direction, location or time. But excessive use of prepositions will ruin your writing and make it more wordy. So it of better to simplify the words.

For example, check out the sentences given below:

  • The caravan of tribal people came all over to the top of the hill.
  • The caravan of tribal people crested the hill.

You can easily see the difference between the two sentences where the words are used properly.

3. Avoid The Use Of Ambiguous Modifiers

You might be thinking what are ambiguous modifiers? It means that you have misplaced a modifier. You can see that the location of modifiers in a sentence is very specific and if it is misplaced then the sentences won’t make any sense. The misplacement of a modifier will chnage the meaning of the phrase that will precede it or that comes after. If you wish to correct the ambiguous modifiers then you need to move its position in the sentence to make it look more clear and meaningful.

4. Check The Comma Splices

What do you mean by a comma splice? When you join two different sentences or independent clauses by using a comma or a coordinating junction, that is called a comma splice. With comma you can accomplish a job to connect the independent clauses. Try to make proper use of commas. You can also use a semicolon instead of a comma to make the sentences more meaningful. You may also use a coordinating conjunction also.

For example, you can see that,

  • She must be very hungry, she ate the entire pasta.
  • She must be very hungry. She ate the entire pasta.
  • She must be very hungry so she ate the entire pasta.

5. Your Sentences Must Not Be Wordy

If you wish your readers to get the meaning of your sentences. Then you must write short and crisp sentences. Always learn to split the long sentence into two or three sentences. When you fill the sentences with unnecessary words then it will just mess up the whole meaning. Sometimes, wordy sentences can frustrate readers. Hence it is better to directly get to the point.



With all said and done, keep learning new concepts and tactics of English Grammar with EnglishBix.


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