Support is defined as the act of believing that a person believes that someone or something is good or acceptable, or being accepted by someone or something, which is an act of helping someone by giving love, encouragement, etc.
Adjective Words to Describe Support
Following are some positive adjective words you can use for describing support and help:
Active | Effectual | Kind |
Actual | English | Continuous |
Additional | Enthusiastic | Largest |
Adequate | Entire | Liberal |
Ample | Fair | Little |
Armed | Feeble | Loyal |
Army | Firm | Main |
Best | Firmest | Meagre |
Better | Flimsy | Military |
Chief | Foreign | Huge |
Comfortable | Frail | Moral |
Considerable | French | Mutual |
Constant | Future | Natural |
Daily | General | Necessary |
Diplomatic | Generous | New |
Divine | Good Support | Noble |
Earnest | Hearted | Official |
Earthly | Hearty | Open |
Easiest | Inadequate | Partial |
Effective | Intelligent | Patriotic |
Permanent | Staunch | Russian |
Personal | Steady | Unreserved |
Physical | Strenuous | Scanty |
Political | Strong | Vigorous |
Popular | Substantial | Scientific |
Possible | Sufficient | Warm |
Powerful | Supports | Slender |
Practical | Tangible | Welcome |
Precarious | Temporary | Slightest |
Principal | Unanimous | Wooden |
Proper | Undivided | Sole |
Real | Unexpected | Zealous |
Religious | Unhesitating | Uniform |
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