Performance is the value which is created by an individual or a group over a period of time. It is often defined using past verbs that describe the work done and nouns that describe what has been done.
In corporate world we usually analyze quality of employee based on his performance at work. These adjectives will help you perfectly evaluate your employee and give reviews based on the job.
Adjective Words to Describe Performance
Following are some common words used to describe someone’s performance at the given work:
Acrobatic | Disgraceful |
Actual | Dramatic |
Admirable | Elaborate |
Amateur | Entire |
Artistic | Faithful |
Audience | Final |
Bad | Fine |
Best | Great |
Best | Indifferent |
Better | Initial |
Brilliant | Lame |
Celebrated | Later |
Charming | Literary |
Creditable | Little |
Marvelous | Recent |
Meritorious | Ridiculous |
Musical | Regular |
New | Religious |
Noble | Remarkable |
Older | Satisfactory |
Operatic | Second |
Painful | Silent |
Particular | Similar |
Past | Singular |
Poor | Slight |
Present | Small |
Professional | Special |
Proper | Spectacular |
Sporting | Valuable |
Strange | Vocal |
Subsequent | Wonderful |
Successful | Spiritual |
Theatrical | Public |
Useless | Curious |
Usual | Main |
Now let us look at positive and negative adjectives you can use for good and poor performance for staff:
Acted | Broke |
Addressed | Damaged |
Administered | Disregarded |
Budgeted | Failed |
Computed | Forgot |
Conducted | Lacked |
Customized | Miscommunicated |
Defined | Mismanaged |
Established | Misunderstood |
Forecasted | Overlooked |
Governed | Wasted |
Analyzed | Fell Short |
Architected | Ignored |
Built | Lost |
Chaired | Misdirected |
Corrected | Missed |
Created | Neglected |
Decided | Upset |
Demonstrated | Confused |
Mediated | Disappointed |
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