Adjectives Words to Describe a Good Performance

Performance is the value which is created by an individual or a group over a period of time. It is often defined using past verbs that describe the work done and nouns that describe what has been done.

In corporate world we usually analyze quality of employee based on his performance at work. These adjectives will help you perfectly evaluate your employee and give reviews based on the job.

Adjective Words to Describe Performance

Following are some common words used to describe someone’s performance at the given work:

Acrobatic Disgraceful
Actual Dramatic
Admirable Elaborate
Amateur Entire
Artistic Faithful
Audience Final
Bad Fine
Best Great
Best Indifferent
Better Initial
Brilliant Lame
Celebrated Later
Charming Literary
Creditable Little


Marvelous Recent
Meritorious Ridiculous
Musical Regular
New Religious
Noble Remarkable
Older Satisfactory
Operatic Second
Painful Silent
Particular Similar
Past Singular
Poor Slight
Present Small
Professional Special
Proper Spectacular


Sporting Valuable
Strange Vocal
Subsequent Wonderful
Successful Spiritual
Theatrical Public
Useless Curious
Usual Main

Now let us look at positive and negative adjectives you can use for good and poor performance for staff:

Acted Broke
Addressed Damaged
Administered Disregarded
Budgeted Failed
Computed Forgot
Conducted Lacked
Customized Miscommunicated
Defined Mismanaged
Established Misunderstood
Forecasted Overlooked
Governed Wasted
Analyzed Fell Short
Architected Ignored
Built Lost
Chaired Misdirected
Corrected Missed
Created Neglected
Decided Upset
Demonstrated Confused
Mediated Disappointed

Quick Links

  1. Words to Describe Company’s Work Culture
  2. Business English Vocabulary Words for Employees’