Phonics blending is a way for students to decode words. With phonics blending, students fluently join together the individual sound-spellings in a word. With a word like jam, students start by sounding out each individual sound-spelling (/j/, /a/, /m/).
Blends are formed when letters are combined to form the distinct sound. Blends are also know as consonant clusters. examples of common blends are bl, cl, fl, cr, dr, fr, gr, sp, st, sl, sw, spr etc. On the other hand, Digraphs are formed when two letters combined to make a single sound. The digraph can consist of consonants and vowels. Common consonant and vowel digraphs include ai, ay, ea, ee, ei, ey, ie, oa, oo, sh, ch, ph, th, wh etc.
Let’s take a look at the following two examples words list. The more you work hard, the better your results will be!
Examples of Blends Words in Phonics
blab | black | blackberry | blackbird |
blackmail | blade | blame | bland |
blank | blast | brace | bracelet |
brag | braid | brain | brake |
bramble | bran | branch | brand |
chain | chair | chalk | challenge |
chamber | champion | chance | change |
channel | chapter | clad | claim |
clam | clambake | clamber | clammy |
clamshell | clan | clap | clarity |
crab | crack | cracker | crackle |
crackpot | crafts | crag | cramp |
crane | crash | drab | draft |
drag | dragon | drain | drake |
dram | drama | drank | drape |
flab | flag | flagship | flail |
flair | flake | flame | flan |
flank | flap | fraction | fragile |
fragment | fragrant | frail | frame |
frank | frantic | fraud | free |
glacier | glad | glade | gladiator |
gladiolus | glamour | glamorous | glance |
gland | glare | grab | grace |
graceful | grad | grade | gradual |
graduate | graft | gram | grand |
place | placid | plague | plaid |
plain | plan | plane | planet |
plank | plant | prance | pray |
precious | precipitation | precise | precocious |
predict | preposition | present | press |
scab | scabbard | scald | scale |
scalp | scalpel | scam | scan |
scandal | scanner | shack | shade |
shadow | shake | shall | sham |
shape | share | shark | she |
skate | skateboard | skatepark | skedaddle |
skeet | skein | skeletal | skeleton |
sketch | skew | slab | slack |
slain | slam | slant | slap |
slash | slat | slave | slaw |
smack | small | smallpox | smarmy |
smart | smash | smear | smell |
smelt | smile | snack | snag |
snail | snake | snap | snapper |
snapshot | snare | snatch | sneak |
spa | space | spacious | spackle |
spade | spam | span | spank |
spar | spare | stab | stable |
stack | stadium | staff | stag |
stage | stair | stake | stalk |
swab | swaddle | swagger | swallow |
swam | swami | swan | swap |
than | thank | that | thaw |
the | their | them | then |
trace | trachea | track | tract |
traction | tractor | trade | traffic |
twang | tweak | tweed | tween |
tweet | tweeze | twelfth | twelve |
whale | wharf | what | wheat |
wheel | wheelchair | wheeze | whelp |
wrack | wraith | wrangle | warp |
wrapper | wrath | wreath | wreck |
There are two types of blends: consonant blends (where consonants are joined) and vowel blends (where vowels are joined).
There can be two letter or three letter blends depending upon the number of letters joined to produce a single sound.
Examples of Digraphs Words in Phonics
blemish | blend | blend | blender |
bless | blew | blight | blimp |
blind | blink | bright | brilliant |
brim | brine | bring | brink |
brooch | brook | brother | brow |
cheap | check | cheek | cheer |
cheese | chef | chest | chicken |
child | chose | classmate | classroom |
clause | claw | clay | clean |
clear | clip | create | creature |
credit | creed | creek | creep |
crescent | cress | crew | cricket |
drift | drill | drink | drip |
drive | driver | drole | drone |
drool | drop | flesh | flex |
flicker | filer | flight | fling |
flip | flit | flog | flood |
frequent | fresh | friction | friend |
frill | frisk | frock | frog |
frozen | fruit | glint | glisten |
glitch | glitter | gloat | glob |
glory | glove | glow | glum |
grateful | grater | grave | gravity |
gray | graze | great | greedy |
grief | grill | platter | play |
plaza | plead | pleasant | please |
plight | plod | plop | plow |
prince | principal | principle | |
prism | privacy | private | prize |
pro | pronoun | scenario | scene |
scenery | scent | science | scientific |
scientist | scoff | scold | scurry |
shine | ship | shock | shoot |
shop | short | should | shout |
show | shuck | skin | skip |
skipper | skirt | skit | skittle |
skulk | skull | skunk | sky |
slice | slick | slid | slim |
slip | slit | slob | slop |
slot | slow | smoke | smolder |
smooch | smooth | smoothie | smother |
smudge | smug | smuggle | smush |
sniper | snippy | snit | snivel |
snob | snood | snoop | snooze |
snort | snow | speak | special |
specific | specify | speckle | spectator |
speech | speed | spell | spin |
stand | star | steak | steam |
step | stick | sticker | stomach |
stone | story | sweep | sweet |
swell | swift | swim | swine |
swing | swipe | switch | sword |
thief | thimble | thin | thing |
think | third | thirsty | this |
transform | translate | transmit | transport |
trap | trapeze | travel | tree |
twice | twig | twill | twin |
twinge | twinkle | twist | |
whey | which | while | whim |
whine | whip | whisper | whistle |
wriggle | wring | wrinkle | wrist |
wrote | wrought | wrung | wry |
Keep exploring EnglishBix to learn about concepts in phonics.