Computer Vocabulary Words List – A to Z for Kids

Our world is changing every minute because of computers which helps us live better and perform our tasks faster.

We use various types of standard computer jargons around the world. Knowing what these words mean can help people know more about computers and its functioning.

People use these words to discuss computer ideas, but some people use these big words to impress others.

Computer Vocabulary Words for Kids

Following is a list of terms related to computer along with their meanings, which each having their own function.

  1. Anti-virus software: A program to find and remove viruses.
  2. App: An application – a self-contained software program downloaded on mobile devices.
  3. Backup: a copy of files from a computer’s hard disk. Backup is taken to prevent the loss of data.
  4. Bit, Bytes: a bit is the smallest piece of information that computers use.
  5. Bluetooth: way of communicating wirelessly over short distances through electronic devices.
  6. Boot, boot up, boot disk: Boot up is the time gap that you provide the computer to receive all the instructions and prepare for use.
  7. Browser, to browse: The software program used to browse the internet.
  8. Bug: Defect in a program.
  9. Cache: A memory that makes the computer works faster
  10. CD-ROM: a disk for storing computer information
  11. CPU: Central Processing Unit
  12. Data : Usually means the information
  13. DOS: Disk Operating System
  14. Driver: a small program that tells a PC how a peripheral works
  15. ebook: an electronic book that can be downloaded and read
  16. Electronic mail (email, e-mail): messages sent from one computer to another.
  17. File: a specific computer record.
  18. Floppy disk: a cheap, removable disk used for storing or transferring information.
  19. Floppy drive: It is floppy (soft) because it is plastic.
  20. Folder (directory): a sub-division of a computer’s hard disk to store files.
  21. Gigabyte: 1024 megabytes.
  22. Glitch: Reason for an unexpected malfunction
  23. GUI: Graphical user interface, simplified system to enable user to point to symbols or illustration on computer screen with a mouse.
  24. Hard Drive: A synonym for hard disc that stores user information in computer
  25. Icon: Symbols on computer screen for program files or computer functions
  26. Internet: A network of interconnected computer networks.
  27. IP Address: A unique set of numbers to locate a computer on a network.
  28. Kilobyte (KB): Equal to 1,024 bytes of data.
  29. Linux: It is an open source operation system just like Windows.
  30. Laptop: Small battery-powered computers that can fit onto your lap.
  31. Megabyte (MB): Equal to 1,048,576 bytes of data
  32. Memory (RAM): Temporary storage for information when computer is running.
  33. Microprocessor: A central processing unit (CPU) contained on a single silicon chip.
  34. Monitor: A terminal for displaying video
  35. Mouse: A small hand-held device to interact on desktop screen.
  36. Multimedia: Software programs with text and graphics with sound, video and animation.
  37. Network: It is a system of interconnected computers
  38. Operation System: A set of instructions to tell a computer how to operate when it is turned on.
  39. PDF: A portable document format created by Adobe
  40. Personal Computer (PC): A single-user computer containing a central processing unit (CPU) and one or more memory circuits.
  41. Peripheral: External devices attached to your computer to enhance its functions for Example – scanner, printer, mouse
  42. Printer: A mechanical device for printing a computer’s data on paper.
  43. Program: It is a set of instructions in a computer language that tells the computer what to do and how to do.
  44. Programming Language: a formal language comprising a set of instructions that produce various kinds of output.
  45. Software: Computer programs for defined tasks
  46. Spreadsheet: Software that allows one to calculate numbers.
  47. Trackball: An input device that controls the position of cursor on the screen.
  48. UPS: An electrical battery to provide power to a computer during an outage to back-up data and properly shut down.
  49. USB: An industry standard cables and connector devices to connect to a computer.
  50. Word Wide Web (WWW): A network of servers on the Internet that use hypertext-linked databases and files.
  51. Bus: Contains volume of information expressed in bits. It is transmitted simultaneously according to a numbered wire-cable.
  52. Computer: An electronic device with programmed instructions to store, process and receive data, which, among other things, enables you to navigate on the web.
  53. Disk Player: It is a device incorporated in your computer which enables you to play a disk and visualize its content on your computer’s screen.
  54. Fan: A device with a heat sink to refresh the components inside the tower and prevent them from overheating.
  55. Hard Drive: It stores all the information on your computer. With the motherboard, it’s a major component of your computer but if it crashes, it can be replaced.
  56. Headphones: A device you put on your ears allowing you to listen to music and other sounds coming from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
  57. Internet Modem: A modem that allows you to connect an internet service provider to its clients, so they can access the Internet and its associated services, via ADSL, fiber or cable.
  58. Key: One of the buttons displayed on a keyboard; mainly alphabetical letters, numbers and other symbols.
  59. Keyboard: It is an item that replaces the old typescript and enables you to write on a virtual document you can visualize and store in your computer.
  60. Motherboard: A device within the computer where modules are installed in sockets. It provides communication for information processing.
  61. Power Supply: The complex appliance intended to supply electricity via an electrical network to your computer, which allows it to work.
  62. Random Access Memory: It is the place within your computer where data is located during processing. Not to be confused with computer memory.
  63. Scanner: A program often incorporated inside your printer, which enables you to capture writings or images from a real material like a sheet of paper.
  64. Screen: The output device displaying the images generated by the computer graphic cards. It’s an extension of the monitor, it gives the impression of movement and enables you for instance to watch movies or capture texts.
  65. Wireless Mouse: A mouse without the cable, it works by capturing the waves thanks to the receptor in the USB port via the transmitter in the mouse.
  66. Application: A program or a set of software’s performing a set of tasks in the same fields via operating system services.
  67. Bug: A fault that causes a program failure in your computer.
  68. Bookmark: A place where you store the URL of the web pages you want to keep in order to view them later on.
  69. Cookie: A small piece of data a web site keeps and uses to remind you of your activities.
  70. Download: Take a file or a program from a given site in order to transfer it to your computer and to an external drive.
  71. Firewall: A technological barrier which protects your computer from dangerous external data.
  72. Hacker: A crooked programmer who breaks into a computer’s system for malicious purposes.
  73. Malware: A malicious software used to disrupt a computer’s operating system and files or gather personal data for use in unscrupulous practices.
  74. Media: Means which allows one to spread information to the general public.
  75. Spam: A message you don’t expect sent to your email address, often in order to sell you something.
  76. URL: The address of a given website on the world-wide-web.
  77. Upload: Take a file or a program from your computer or another location in order to transfer it to a central computer or site.
  78. Virus: A software program intended to harm files or programs in other computers.
  79. Website: One or more pages displaying a given content on the web.
  80. Windows: An operating system for computer created and designed by Microsoft.
  81. Ethernet: A type of network technology for local area networks
  82. Internet: A worldwide network of computer networks
  83. Word Processor: An application that provides the user with tools needed to write and edit and format text and to send it to a printer
  84. Data Base: An organized body of related information
  85. Calculator: A small machine that is used for mathematical calculations
  86. Trojan Horse: A program that appears desirable but actually contains something harmful
  87. Router: A box that lets your computer connect to the Internet.
  88. USB Stick: A small tool you can use to save your documents. If you don’t want to carry your computer from place to place, this is very useful
  89. Microphone: The part of the computer that you speak into when you want to record something or talk to a friend
  90. Blog: web pagewhere you can write articles about topics that interest you
  91. Settings: When you want to change something on the computer, you need to go to settings
  92. Tablets: Small, portable technology that lets you do basic things
  93. Surf: To look for information on the Internet, usually for fun or to relax.
  94. Programmer: A person who designs operating systems and fixes them when they break.
  95. Software Developer: A person who creates computer applications
  96. Menu Bar: The horizontal strip that contains lists of available menus for a certain program
  97. Social Networking: Using the internet to create a virtual community by sharing messages, comments and other information using websites designed for that purpose
  98. Webcam: A video camera used to broadcast streaming or still video using the internet
  99. Touchscreen: A display that also serves as an input device that can be used with a special pen device or finger
  100. Fios: Fibre optic services, it describes the use of fiber optic cables
    to transmit data via pulses of light

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