Dzongkha (Bhutanese) Words with Meanings in English

Dzongkha or Bhutanese is the national and official language of Bhutan. It has some 160,000 native speakers and 470,000 second-language speakers. It is widely spoken in the Thimphu, Paro, Haa, Chukha, Wangdue Phodrang, Punakha and Gasa regions.

Dzongkha translates to ‘Dzong’ meaning district and ‘kha’ meaning language. Thus, ‘language of the district’.

Dzongkha and its dialects are common to the people of 8 districts of western Bhutan and Tshangla in the east.

Dzongkha is based on the Tibetan alphabet, introduced by Thonmi Sambhota in the 7th century AD. However, the main language written in Bhutan is Classical Tibetan, which is very different from Dzongkha as French from Latin. There is also an official way to write Dzongkha in the Latin alphabet known as Roman Dzongkha.

Dzongkha Words with Meanings in English

Now let us work on the Dzongkha Bhutanese Language translated in English language:

hello Kuzu zangpo la
nice to meet you Nga choe da chebay sem ga yi
how are you Gaday bay Zhui?
you Chhoe
thank you Kadrin chhe la
good luck Tashi delek
where Gatey
tourist Chillip
cool Leg shom du
yes inn
no men
no problem Khe mi
sorry Sorry Tsip maza
excuse me Atsi zur nang
1 chi
2 nyi
3 sum
4 zhi
5 nga
6 dru
10 chu tham
11 chu chi
12 chu nyi
20 Nyishu/Khelchi
21 Nyerchi
22 Nyer^Nyi
23 Nyer sum
8 o clock baza gyed
Monday Migmar
Tuesday Lhakpa
Wednesday Phurbu
Thursday Pasang
Friday Pemba
Saturday Nima
Sunday Dawa
january indha dangpa
february indha nyipa
march indha sumpa
april indha zhipa
may indha ngapa
june indha drupa
july indha duenpa
august indha gaypa
september indha gupa
october indha chupa
november indha chuchipa
december indha chunyipa
today Dhari
yesterday Khatsa
tomorrow Naba
now dhato
green Changkha
red Marp
white Karp
blue Hoem
black Naap
yellow Serp
orange Leewang
bird Ji chu
cat Ji ley
chicken Jum
cow No
dog Ro che
fish Nya


frog Baep
horse Taa
pig Phap
turtle Ru bel
taxi La khor
fare La
how much Ga day chi mo?
lodging Goen Chim
meal Toh /zhay go
eating shay go za ni
already eat Toh zhey ga la?
delicious zhim bay
bitter khag tae
sweet ngam
sour chup
water chu
tea ja
butter tea su ja
curry tsoem
soup thup
chilly ema
cheese datsi
cook toh bey ni
eat zhey
dry chilli ema kam
potato kewa
maize gayza
alcoholic baverage Changg
bar Changkhang
tip Soera
whats the bill Ga de chi mo?
water Chu
local drink Ara
it is strong Ah ni ngag tra du.
it is mild Lha si si du.
shop Tsongkhang
how much Ga dem chi mo?
discount please Gong phab nang!
what is this Ani ga chi mo?
car Numkhor
to drive Numkhor tang ni
license Lak Kher
police Thrim sung
road Lam
high speed shuk bay tang
low speed Drogay bay tang
lets go Jogay!
stop Numkor kag nang
risky Ngyen khag chen
here Nalu
there Phalu (h is silent)
right Yaechhog
left Yoenchhog
straight Thrang Dhi
go back or u turn Lok Loni
front Dong kha
behind Jab kha
next to Bolo kha
far away Tha ringsa
boy Butsh
girl Bum

It is also related to other languages ​​spoken in Bhutan, such as Chocangaca, Brokpa, Brokkat, Lakha and sikkimmese which is widely used language of southern Tibetion region.

Government of Bhutan has made it mandatory to study Dzongkha in all the schools of Bhutan.

Quick Links

  1. Beautiful Sanskrit Words with Meanings