Hospital English Vocabulary Words List

The diseases are diagnosed in hospitals laboratories but sometimes it is difficult to make accurate prognosis of a disease. One of the body parts has to be amputated by and nurses to prevent the spread of disease to other body parts. One such case is of cancer. Whenever someone is injured they are taken to hospital where they are cared by the nurses.

Nurses are an essential part of Hospital. They care for patients, attend to their needs, keep the doctors aware of patients health status. Often Nursing is not considered a profession but it is a complete profession. It is a sacrifice, integrity. Nursing requires strong communication skills. Nurses should be empathetic, adaptable and be emotionally stable.

Hospital Vocabulary Words

There are many vocabulary words related to hospital and other medical related for kids which we have expressed as under:

counselingsomething that provides direction or advice
muscleanimal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells
nervousof or relating to a system of sensory apparatus
Convergeaffected by involuntary jerky muscular contractions
Disordera disturbance of normal functioning
malignantdangerous to health
Excessivebeyond normal limits
Benignnot dangerous to health; not recurrent or progressive
progressivefavoring or promoting modern or innovative ideas
Disabilitywhen one cannot perform due to physical or mental unfitness
Systemicaffecting an entire structure, network, or complex of parts
Arthritisinflammation of a joint or joints
Failureloss of ability to function normally
deteriorationprocess of changing to an inferior state
Fluidcontinuous amorphous matter that tends to flow
homeostasismetabolic equilibrium maintained by biological mechanisms
Acuteextremely sharp or intense
Seizurea sudden attack of a disease, often characterized by spasms
prevalencethe quality of being widespread
febrileof or relating to or characterized by fever
dullblunted in responsiveness or sensibility
allergyhypersensitive immunological reaction to some substance
abnormalnot typical or usual or regular
veina blood vessel that carries blood toward the heart
toddlera young child
dehydrateremove water from
tumoran abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose
physiciana licensed medical practitioner
poisonany substance that causes injury or illness or death
prescribeissue commands or orders for
malfunctionfail to work properly
Epilepsya nervous disorder characterized by convulsions
injuryphysical damage to the body caused by violence or accident
intravenouswithin or by means of a vein
deliverbring to a destination
immuneof the condition in which an organism can resist disease
emergencya sudden unforeseen crisis that requires immediate action
amnesiapartial or total loss of memory
memorythe cognitive process whereby past experience is remembered
amputateremove surgically
limbone of the jointed appendages of an animal
infectionthe invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms
anemiaa deficiency of red blood cells
anemicrelating to or having a deficiency of red blood cells
swollenhaving an exaggerated sense of self-importance
asthmarespiratory disorder characterized by wheezing
woundan injury to living tissue
lumpa compact mass
bracea support that steadies or strengthens something else
breechopening in the barrel of a gun where bullets can be loaded
bruisea small injury that results in discoloration
Procedurea particular course of action intended to achieve a result
Incisionthe cutting of or into body tissues or organs
Coroneran official who investigates death not due to natural causes
Dementiamental deterioration of organic or functional origin
Mentalinvolving the mind or an intellectual process
Sufferingfeelings of mental or physical pain
Pronehaving a tendency
prescriptionthe action of issuing authoritative rules or directions
Influenzaan acute febrile highly contagious viral disease
Respiratorypertaining to the act of breathing
Fracturebreaking of hard tissue such as bone
Germa structure from which tissue can develop into an organism
Organisma living thing that can act or function independently
Warda person who is under the protection of another
Hivea structure that provides a natural habitation for bees
Rashimprudently incurring risk
Surgeryscience treating disease or injury by operative procedures

Frequent visits to hospital in childhood due to some injuries spark interest in some children to choose this medical field. Some serious injury can result in a fracture. This phrase is used in medical “prevention is better than cure.” This means stay healthy, avoid touching dirty things, and wash hands before and after eating.

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Medical VocabularyNursing Vocabulary

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