Stop Words List in English for NLP

Stop words are a set of commonly used words in a language. Examples of stop words in English are “a”, “the”, “is”, “are”, etc. These words do not add much meaning to a sentence. 

They can be safely ignored without sacrificing the meaning of the sentence. For some search engines, these are some of the most common short function words like is, is, because, which, and on.

List of Stop Words

Following is a list of stop words used for natural language processing (NLP):

a ourselves
about out
above over
after own
again same
against shan’t
all she
am she’d
an she’ll
and she’s
any should
are shouldn’t
aren’t so
as some
at such
be than
because that
been that’s
before the
being their
below theirs
between them
both themselves
but then
by there
can’t there’s
cannot these
could they


couldn’t they’d
did they’ll
didn’t they’re
do they’ve
does this
doesn’t those
doing through
don’t to
down too
during under
each until
few up
for very
from was
further wasn’t
had we
hadn’t we’d
has we’ll
hasn’t we’re
have we’ve
haven’t were
having weren’t
he what
he’d what’s
he’ll when
he’s when’s


her where
here where’s
here’s which
hers while
herself who
him who’s
himself whom
his why
how why’s
how’s with
i won’t
i’d would
i’ll wouldn’t
i’m you
i’ve you’d
if you’ll
in you’re
into you’ve
is your
isn’t yours
it yourself
it’s yourselves
its nor
itself not
let’s of
me off
more on
most once
mustn’t only
my or
myself other
no ought
ours our

You should only remove these tokens if they do not add any new information about your problem. Classification problems usually do not need stop words because it is possible to talk about the general idea of ​​the text even if you remove the stop words from it.

Removing stop words helps reduce both index size and query size. Fewer deadlines is always a win when it comes to performance. And since stop words are semantically empty, the relevance score is not affected.

Quick Links

  1. Computer Vocabulary Words List
  2. Words to Describe Technology