In English, the rhetorical devices are generally used while writing essays, persuasive writing, or writing speeches. But it might also happen that you are using the rhetorical strategies while having a normal conversation. Rhetorical strategies can be really beneficial for effective communication by enhancing comparisons or making bold points or just by directly offering a simple for people to connect. With this amazing piece of article, Englishbix can help you to explore different rhetorical strategies.
Here are the different Rhetorical Devices that will improve your communication as well as writing skills.
1. Alliteration
Alliteration is a rhetorical device that refers to the reoccurrence of the initial consonant sound in the sentence. Generally, alliteration is associated with the tongue twisters for kids. You can also find the usage of this device while deciding the brand names. For instance American Apparel, Crispy Crumbs, Crafty Cradle, etc.
2. Allusion:
Allusion generally refers to the specific place or event or a person. When you are referring to something well-known allows the author r writer to make their point clear without further elaboration in great detail.
3. Amplification:
In Amplification, the writer tends to repeat a word or expression to emphasize or highlight it. They often use additional adjectives to clarify the meaning. “Love, real love, takes time” is an example of amplification because the author is using the phrase “real love” to distinguish his feelings from love that is mere infatuation.
4. Analogy:
In an analogy, the writer explains one thing in terms of another to highlight the ways in which they are alike. “He’s as flaky as a snowstorm” would be one example of an analogy. Generally, analogies that are very well known sometimes fall into the categories of idioms or figures of speech.
5. Anaphora
While using anaphora, the writer repeats a word or phrase in successive phrases. “If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh?” is an example from Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. Basically, the use of anaphora creates parallelism and rhythm, which is why this technique is often associated with music and poetry. However, any form of written work can benefit from this rhetorical device.
6. Antanagoge
We use antagonism to understand the placement of criticism and a compliment together to lessen the impact. “The car is not pretty, but it runs great” would be one example, because you’re referring to the vehicle’s good performance as a reason to excuse its unattractive appearance.
7. Antimetabole
Antimetabole repeats words or phrases in reverse order. The famous John F. Kennedy quote, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country” is a well-known example.
8. Antiphrasis
While using antiphrasis, the writer uses a word with an opposite meaning for ironic or humorous effect. “We named our chihuahua Goliath” is an example because a chihuahua is a very small dog and Goliath is a giant warrior from the famous Bible story.
9. Antithesis
While using Antithesis in literature, the writer tries to build a connection between two or more things. Neil Armstrong said, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” This pairs the idea of one man’s individual action with the greater implication for humanity as a whole.
10. Appositive
In an appositive place, we generally place a noun phrase next to another while using descriptive purposes.
11. Enumeratio
A writer uses enumeratio to make a point with details. It helps in elaborating the concept of the content. For instance, you want to describe the facilities provided in your vicinity then you would be providing information related to different shops available, or garden or gym etc.
12. Epanalepsis
Epanalepsis is used to understand repeating of some words or phrases from the beginning of a clause or sentence at the end. Consider the Walmart slogan, “Always Low Prices. Always.” The repeated words act as bookends, driving the point home.
13. Epithet
An epithet is a descriptive word or phrase expressing a quality of the person or thing, such as calling King Richard I “Richard the Lionheart.” Epithet findsContemporary usage often denotes an abusive or derogatory term describing race, gender, sexual orientation, or other characteristics of a minority group.
14. Epizeuxis
Epizeuxis repeats one word to put more emphasis on that particular word. A child who says, “The amusement park was fun, fun, fun” is using epizeuxis to convey what a wonderful time he had at the park.
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