Adjective Words To Describe Witch

A witch is a woman who is thought to have magical powers, especially the evil one, is often portrayed as wearing a black robe and a sharp hat and flying with a broomstick.

How to Spot a witch:-

  1. They always wear gloves. A real witch will always be wearing gloves when you meet her because she doesn’t have finger-nails.
  2. They’ll be as ‘bald as a boiled egg’.
  3. They’ll have large nose-holes.
  4. Their eyes change colour.
  5. They have no toes.
  6. They have blue spit.

Adjective Words to Describe Witch

Following are common adjectives used for describing Witches:

Word Meaning
abominable exceptionally bad or displeasing
accursed  under a curse
all- powerful  having unlimited power
bad feeling physical discomfort or pain
black haired having hair of a dark color
bloodthirsty marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed
cunning  showing inventiveness and skill
dangerous involving or causing danger or risk; liable to hurt or harm
enraged marked by extreme anger
evil that which causes harm or destruction or misfortune
godless not revering god
harmless not causing or capable of causing harm
heartless lacking in feeling or pity or warmth
horrible provoking horror
horrid   exceedingly bad
hungry feeling hunger; feeling a need
merciless having or showing no mercy
notorious known widely and usually unfavorably
powerful displaying superhuman strength or power
scary provoking fear terror
terrible  exceptionally bad or displeasing
unkind deficient in humane and kindly feelings
vindictive showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite
wicked highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust
wrinkled marked by wrinkles