Genetics And Heredity Vocabulary Words In Biology

We know that Genetics is the study of how genes are inherited. A feature is defined as a difference in the physical appearance of a benefit factor. It seeks to understand how traits are passed on from one generation to the next.

However, Heredity refers the genetic inheritance passed on to us by our birth parents. That’s why we look like them. Specifically, the transmission of signals from one generation to the next. These traits can be physical, such as eye color, blood type or disease, or character. For example, the hygienic behavior of bees that drives to remove the sick larvae from the hive which is inherited behavior.

Genetics and Heredity Vocabulary Words

traitThe characteristic that an organism can pass on to its offspring through its genes
heredityA passing of traits from parents to offspring.
geneA segment of DNA on a chromosome that codes for a specific trait.
alleleThe different forms of a gene
hybridAn organism that has two different alleles for a trait; an organism that is heterozygous for a particular trait.
phenotypeAn organism’s physical appearance or visible traits.
genotypeAn organism’s genetic makeup or allele combinations.
meiosissplitting cell
Messenger RNARNA that copies the coded message from DNA in the nucleus and carries the message into the cytoplasm.
transfer RNARNA in cytoplasm that carries an amino acid to the ribosome and adds the growing protein chain.
mutationA change in the gene or chromosome.
multiple allelesThree or more forms of a gene code for a single trait.
genetic disorderAn abnormal condition that a person inherits through genes or chromosomes.
amniocentesisA technique by which small amount of fluid that surrounds a developing baby is removed and analyzed to determine whether the baby will have a genetic disorder.
selective breedingThe process of selecting a few organisms with desired traits to serve as parents of the next generation.
inbreedingA selective breeding method in which two individuals with identical or similar sets of alleles are crossed.
hybridizationA selective breeding method in which two genetically different individuals are crossed.
cloneAn organism that is genetically identical to the organism from which it was produced.
genetic engineeringThe transfer of a gene from the DNA of one organism into another organism in order to produce an organism with desired traits.
gene therapyThe insertion of working copies of a gene into the cells of a person with a genetic disorder in an attempt to correct the disorder.

Make sure you practice these words by writing and speaking to fully understand their usage.

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