Positive and Negative Tone Words List

While reading an article or a story we can feel the attitude of an author by the words he or she has used. These words are known as tone words. In this blog we will know what tone words are, examples of tone words and will see their usage in sentences as well.

What are Tone Words?

Tone words help the authors express their feelings. Tone words are used to express positive, negative, and neutral feelings. 

Let us have a look at some examples: 

  • Lemon juice is acerbic.

The word “acerbic” is showing criticism, the author is saying that lemon juice is sour. It is a negative tone word.

  • Adam seems to have blithe attitude towards his job.

The word “blithe” means carefree or happy and is a positive tone word.

Here are 10 Tips to Use Tone words and make your writing look perfect.

Examples of Positive Tone Words

The table below shows positive tone words with their meanings. 

Positive WordsMeaning 
Adoring To regard with esteem, love, and respect; honor
Apathetic Having or showing little or no emotion; indifferent or unresponsive.
BenevolentCharacterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings.
Blithe Happy or carefree.
LaudatoryExpressing praise and commendation.
Cheery In good spirits.
HumorousAmusing; entertaining; playful
Speculative Expressing
Mirthful Amusing.
Jovial Cheerful and friendly.
Hilarious Extremely amusing.
Optimistic Hopeful and confident about the future.
Comforting Serving to improve a person’s mood
CelebratoryFeeling or expressing happiness and pride.

Examples of Negative Tone Words

Following is a list of negative tone words with their meanings. 

Negative WordsMeaning
Abhor Regard with disgust and hatred.
AmbiguousNot having one obvious meaning.
AmbivalentHaving mixed feelings or contradictory ideas
AngryFeeling or showing strong annoyance
AnnoyedSlightly angry; irritated.
Anxious Feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease
Apathetic Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
Apprehensive Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
Belligerent Hostile and aggressive.
Indignant Feeling or showing anger or annoyance
Inflammatory Intended to arouse
Insecure Uncertain or anxious about oneself; not confident. 
Antagonistic Showing or feeling active opposition or hostility

Tone vs Voice

Do not do this mistake Tone with Voice as many people do. Let’s see the difference between Tone and Voice.

  • Voice: Voice is personal to each author and lasts throughout a piece. An author’s voice may be friendly, sarcastic, enlightening else.
  • Tone words: Indicate the author’s (or character’s) reactions to events that are happening. As different events happen, the tone shifts.

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Examples of Positive and Negative Sentences Types of Tones in Literature

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