Political Vocabulary Words with Meanings

The following list of words is designed and well narrated to help beginners, understanding the political vocabulary used.

Political English Vocabulary Words

Following are common words related to politics along with their explanation:

  1. Ballot: A system of voting, especially secret. To vote by ballot.
  2. Ballot paper: Paper or card marked by a person who votes.
  3. Ballot box: A box in which voters deposit their market ballots.
  4. Bill: Draft of a proposed law to be discussed in parliament where it will be amended, passed or thrown out.
  5. Bipartisan: Involving two political parties.
  6. By Election: An election that happens in-between regular elections
  7. Candidate: A person who wishes to be elected via a vote
  8. Capitalism: A political and economic system where the people rather than the state own items
  9. Caucus: To meet together to select a candidate to represent a political party
  10. Challenger: A person who hopes to beat someone in an election
  11. Checks And Balances: The different parts of the American political set up that ensures power is distributed appropriately
  12. Coalition: When two or more political parties work together to form a government
  13. Communism: A political belief in which the state owns everything, a form of socialism
  14. Constituency: The area of a country that is represented by a certain elected official
  15. Campaign: Planned activities in an organized effort to win an election.
  16. Coalition: Alliance of two or more political parties, usually to form a government.
  17. Constitution: A statement of the fundamental principles and laws by which a country or state is governed.
  18. Coup d’état: Sudden, often violent, change of government when a group, such as the military, takes control.
  19. Democracy: A form of government where elections are held and people vote for the candidate of their choice to represent them.
  20. Dictatorship: A form of government in which a single individual, who has often seized power by force, exercises political authority using arbitrary and oppressive methods.
  21. Dissolution: The termination of the current parliament, which takes place before a general election.
  22. Election: The process of voting for a candidate or representative.
  23. Electorate: All the people who can vote in an election.
  24. Facism: A political system that is based on a strict government with set levels
  25. Federal: The government at the national level as opposed to local level government
  26. Gerrymander: Rearrange the voting districts in order to ensure more votes for the party in power.
  27. Gerrymandering:
  28. Government: A political body that exercises authority over a nation or state and has the power to make and enforce laws.
  29. Grass roots: Ordinary people in a society, as opposed to those who are in power.
  30. Head Of State: The person who leads and represents a country
  31. Hustings: The political activities, meetings and speeches that happen before an election.
  32. Incumbent: Person currently holding an official position.
  33. Landslide victory: Win an election with a large majority of votes.
  34. Law: A rule or regulation established by the government.
  35. Lobby: Group of people who try to influence an elected official, or the act of doing so, generally to support or oppose proposed legislation.
  36. Law: A rule or regulation established by the government.
  37. Left Wing: To support socialist beliefs or to believe in promoting public welfare
  38. Legislation: The process of forming new laws
  39. Liberal: A person who believes in progress and protecting civil liberties
  40. Lobbying: Any attempt by individuals or private interest groups to influence the decisions of government
  41. Lobbying:
  42. Monarchy: System of government in which the head of state is a king or a queen.
  43. Nominee: Person chosen by a political party to run for election.
  44. Opposition: Political party or parties opposing the government.
  45. Policy: Political party or parties opposing the government.
  46. Political asylum: Protection given by a State to a person who has left their own country because they oppose its government.
  47. Political party: A political organization with stated beliefs, aims and policies, that puts forward candidates in elections.
  48. Politician: Person who has been elected and works professionally in politics.
  49. Politics: The ideas and activities associated with the governing of a country, region, city, etc.
  50. Poll: Voting at an election.
  51. Polling Day: The day on which elections are held.
  52. Polls Polling Station: Place where people vote.
  53. Prime Minister: The head of the government in a parliamentary political system.
  54. Regime: System of government: a communist, fascist, etc. Regime.
  55. Republic: System of government in which power is held by elected representatives and an elected president.
  56. Run For Election: Be a candidate in an election.
  57. Spin Doctor: A spokesperson who gives a favorable interpretation of events to the media, especially on behalf of a political personality or party.
  58. Turnout: The number of people who go to vote in an election.
  59. Vote: Choose a candidate in an election.

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